Elderly woman from Lokaleng village, receives a new RDP house after ‘years of struggle’


An elderly woman, Matlakala Rapodile (67) from Lokaleng village, near Taung, has been staying in a shack for several years. Rapodile was one of the beneficiaries of 120 houses that were built by the North West Human Settlements. 

“I am happy to receive a proper house with basic amenities. As a pensioner and also a grandmother of two, the environment that I was staying in was health hazardous as the weather conditions have not been friendly. 

“I would like to thank the government for bringing change to my family life. We have been staying in this small shack and my grandchildren were also affected as they would have flu from time to time,” she said. 

Meanwhile, the acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi said, the department has done it again. Maloyi said this time, the department handed over three houses to families led by elderly women that have been staying in shacks for years. 

“The department has thus far managed to complete 120 houses and continues to build 880 across villages in Taung. The government will continue to build houses for legible beneficiaries. 

“We further appeal to others who are still waiting for the construction of their houses to be patient. However, we assure them that, government has increased speed in delivering services across all municipalities, through the Thuntsha Lerole accelerated Service Delivery Programme,” he said. 

Maloyi further said, the government will continue to deliver on its mandate and change the lives of the people. He added that they do this to ensure they deliver as promised. 

“This is a government programme, not electioneering as others purport. We have also teamed with municipalities and local traditional authorities to ensure that we reach those families that need urgent services. 

“The partnership is continuing to register success on a daily basis. The department will continue to create sustainable human settlements as mandated by the constitution and further ensure that the dignity of all the people of the North West is held high,” said Maloyi. 

He said the department prides itself as the houses under construction continue to create jobs and skill among local community members.        


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