Maloko a Mamusa Karate Organisation a tlhoka matlole go leba kwa Japan 


Mokatisi gape eleng motlhami wa setlhopa sa basha se se ikatisetsang karate kwa motsese-toropong wa Ipelegeng, gaufi le Schweizer Reneke, Kabelo Seetelo are o motlotlo ka katlego ya basha ba a ba katisang. Seno se tla morago ga gore, maloko a setlhopa sa gagwe sa Mamusa Karate Organisation ale mabedi, a tlhopiwe go ya go emela naga ya Afrika Borwa kwa toropong ya Tokyo kwa nageng ya Japan ka Phukwi 2024. 

Go ya ka Seetelo, Thapelo Mandlane (12) ga mmogo le Resegofetse Seetelo (12), ba bontshitse bokgabane mo dikgaisanong tse kgale ba di tsenela tsa selegae. Seetelo are Thapelo le Resegofetse, ba ile ba tlhopiwa kwa Durban go ya go emela naga. 

“Bana ba ke ba ba fitlheletseng makgaola-kgang, mme ba ile go tsenela dikgaisano ko toropong ya Tokyo kwa nageng ya Japan ka Phukwi 2024. Jaanong jaaka setlamo, re tlhoka ketleletso ya matlole gore ba kgone go tsamaya. 

“Ba ne ba tsenetse dikgaisano kwa Klerksdorp ka Mopitlwe 2024, mme ba ile ba fenya. Seo se ile sa ba kgontsha go fetela kwa legatong le le latelang kwa Durban, mme le gone ba ile ba tlhopiwa jaaka bafenyi,” Seetelo wa tlhalosa.

Seetelo are ba tlhopilwe go tswa mo sedikeng sa Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, go ya go emela Afrika Borwa kwa Japan, ga mmogo le bagaisani nabo go tswa kwa diporofenseng tse dingwe. Seetelo are ba ile ba tsenela kgaisano gape kwa motsese-toropong wa Mamelodi kwa Pretoria. 

“Le gone koo, ba ile ba fenya. Jaanong, re tshwanetse gore re tsamaye le bone ba le babedi go leba kwa Japan. Re kgaogantswe go ya ka didika tse di farologaneng, mme rona re emetse sedika sa Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati. Go fitlha ga jaana, re lekile go ikgologanya le mafapha a farologaneng jaaka lefapha la botaki, setso le metshameko, ga mmogo le kantoro ya tonakgolo mo porofenseng,” Seetelo wa tlhalosa.

Are ba tlhoka madi a kanang ka R119 000. Seetelo are seo se akaretsa marobalo, dijo, ga mmogo le go tsenela kgaisano go tloga ka di 16-22 Phokwi 2024. 

“Re ya go gaisana le dinaga tse di farologaneng, mme kgaisano e, e tla morago ga dingwaga di le tlhano. Re tla itumela thata fa re tla bona baetletsi ba ba tla re thusang gore re kgone go leba kwa Japan. 

“Mongwe le mongwe o anang le kgatlhego, a ka nteletsa mo dinomorong tsa 0783984037. Re tla itumela thata, gonne seo se tla rotloetsa bana ba bangwe go ka dira ka natla,” Seetelo wa tlhalosa.


Baagi ba re ga ba voute ntle le kago ya tsela   


Baagi kwa motseng wa Itireleng, gaufi le Taung, ba re ga ise ba fetoge mo tshwetsong ya bone ya gore ga ba ye go tsaya karolo mo ditlhopong tsa bosetshaba ka di 29 Motsheganong 2024. Seno se tla morago ga gore ba tlhalose fa porojeke ya tsela e e kopanyang motse wa bone le tsela-kgolo ya N18, e puwaganngwe. 

Mongwe wa baeteledipele wa baagi, Itumeleng Pholo are, ba nnile le kopano le baagi, mme ba mina ka nko ele nosi. Pholo are selelo sa baagi ke gore, ga gona sepe seo se diragalang mo porojekeng ya tsela. 

“Ga gona tlhaloso epe e re e neetsweng ke ba ba maleba, mme baagi ba tshotse tshwetso ya go se tseye karolo mo ditlhopo. Ka di 27 Mopitlwe 2024, gone gona le kopano ya komiti mo motseng. Re ne rena le baemedi go tswa kwa lefapheng, mme ba kaile fa lefapha le sena madi.

“Fela, ba tlhalositse fa lefapha le tla bo lena le madi ka di 2 Moranang 2024. Ba tlhalositse fa ba tlile go simolola ka porojeke, mme ba tlile go ya kwa Bloemhof le Christiana go ya go reka ditene tsa paving le dilwana tse di tla dirisiwang,” Pholo wa tlhalosa. 

Pholo are fela go fitlha ga jaana, ga go nko e tswang le mina. 

“Ke lekile go bua le mafapha a mantsi, mme ga gona tswelelopele. Jaanong, ke feleletsa ke le motho yo o maaka mo baaging. Seno se bontsha fa puso ya rona e palelwa. 

“Jaanong ka kopo le boikokobetso, re kopa tsereganyo pele ga beke e e fela. Baagi ba kgenne, mme ebile ba angwa fela ke tse ba diapering,” Pholo wa tlhalosa. 

Kgabagare, sebueledi sa lefapha la ditsela mo Bokone Bophirima, Lerato Gambu are: “Re tlhaloganya seemo sa baagi. Jaaka lefapha, re kopanetse porojeke e le masepala o mogolwane wa Taung. Se se emisitseng porojeke ke matsapa are a itemogelang mo thekong ya dilwana tse di dirisiwang go aga tsela.

“O tla tlhaloganya gore porojeke e, ke enngwe e e tlisiwang ke lefapha, ga mmogo le masepala go ka tokafatsa ditsela mo di masepaleng tsa rona. Jaanong ga go bonolo go bona gore e tlile go jela puso bokae. Bo nnete ke gore, gone go sena ledi le le beetsweng thoko go ka aga tsela e.” 

Gambu are lefapha la gagabo le tlile go tswelela ka go neelana ka dilwana tse di tla dirisiwang go aga tsela e, mme tsone di tla jela lefapha la gagabo madi a kanang ka R2 million.

A teacher accused of raping two learners remanded in custody



A teacher (47) who is accused of raping two learners aged 12 and 14 at Thakadu Primary School in Leeudoringstad, near Wolmaranstad remanded in custody until 24 May 2024. Rabane Tladi, who is also a DJ, was arrested on Tuesday after the principal and mother of the two learners registered cases at the Wolmarastad Police Station. 

According to the North West police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Amanda Funani said the suspect would allegedly ask the two minors to help him carry books or go and fetch something at his office, where he performed sexual acts.

It is alleged that Tladi will expose his private parts and use his fingers to penetrate these learners.

“He was arrested at the school on 16 May 2024. Tladi was remanded in custody for formal bail application,” she said.

Meanwhile, the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, condemned the incident and said it is sad that the victims were allegedly abused by someone, who was supposed to protect them.

NPA’s hearing to revoke ANC MP, Sibusiso Kula’s R50 000 bail to resume on Wednesday  



The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA)’s application to the North West High Court to revoke bail of the ANC Member of Parliament (MP), Sibusiso Kula, will be heard on Wednesday. 

This comes after allegations that Kula has contravened his bail condition, by approaching witnesses and persuading them to change their statements provided to the state. 

Kula is currently out on R50 000 bail granted by the North West High Court, following his appeal on the Orkney Magistrate’s Court decision to deny him bail. He was ordered to surrender his passports, report twice a day at the nearest police station and provide the investigating officer with his work itinerary. 

The then NPA regional spokesperson in North West, Henry Mamothame said in a statement: “He was also supposed to report to the Investigating Officer, if he moves outside his residential jurisdiction. Kula should not have direct or indirect contact with his children. 

“The police reports reveal that Kula’s wife, Jennifer Mohlomi, was found murdered on 27 November 2022, in what seemed like a robbery. She was found with a stabbing wound on her back, but the object that was used for her alleged murder has not been recovered. 

“The matter was reported by the medical facility, where she was allegedly transported by the accused to receive medical attention. The accused told the police that he was not present at his home when the incident occurred.”

Mamothame said following thorough investigations by the police, Kula was linked to the alleged murder and was arrested on 20 January 2023. 

He further said the accused was charged with murder, defeating the ends of justice, Contravention of the Domestic Violence Act, making false statements and affidavits, and conspiracy with any other person to aid or procure the commission of murder.

The NPA said the application for bail cancellation is ongoing. According to the NPA, the state led evidence of the Investigating Officer today and the matter will continue on Wednesday.

Democratic Alliance stalwart, James Selfe dies 


The heartfelt condolences messages continue to pour in after the death of the Democratic Alliance (DA) stalwart, James Selfe, who passed away late this afternoon. The DA leader, John Steenhuisen said Selfe departed peacefully, while surrounded by his family and loved ones, following a lengthy battle with illness.

Steenhuisen further said they would like to extend its sincerest condolences to those close to Selfe. He added that as DA, their thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Sheila and three daughters, Chloe, Stephanie and Emma during this difficult time.

“Selfe led a quietly influential life in contemporary South African political history, having made an immense contribution to South African democracy. In the late 70s and 80s, Selfe worked tirelessly as a researcher for the DA’s forerunner, the Progressive Federal Party, to combat divisive and regressive apartheid laws by the National Party in parliament. 

“He then served as the party’s communications director, later becoming an executive director. Upon his election to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) in 1994, he served in the Constitutional Assembly, participating in the drawing up of South Africa’s democratic constitution,” said Steenhuisen. 

He said over his nearly 30-year parliamentary career, Selfe served on various portfolio committees, most notably the Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, where his oversight of South Africa’s judicial system was crucial to ensuring that fairness and accountability were always upheld in South African society. Steenhuisen said, however, it is Selfe’ work for his political home, the Democratic Party (DP) and later the Democratic Alliance (DA), which solidified his legacy as a true democratic stalwart. 

“Through his service to three federal leaders as the party’s first chairperson of the federal council, Selfe operationalised the establishment and fortification of the DA as South Africa’s formidable official opposition.

“Selfe help fine-tune the party’s systems and processes, tightening its federal constitution and turning the fast-growing DA into a modern, internationally-renowned African liberal party of rules and fairness,” he said.

Steenhuisen said more crucially, Selfe pioneered the DA’s lawfare programme responsible for some of the most groundbreaking legal judgements in post-democratic history, setting a variety of legal precedents, which strengthened public accountability in our young democracy.

He said from the Zuma spy tapes, to Nkandla, to blowing the whistle on state contracts awarded to Bosasa, Selfe led the charge against corruption and maladministration leveled against the South African people by some of the governing party’s most unethical figures. 

“Selfe was always committed to building and sustaining a democracy in which transparency and accountability would ensure that our government served its people, and not the politicians holding the reins.

‘In many ways, Selfe was a pioneer in South African opposition politics, because he was one of the first politicians in post-democratic history to begin the work of opposing the unfettered power of the ANC’s majority, and turn South Africa into a living, breathing democracy where the opposition took up its role as society’s ultimate watchdog,” said Steenhuisen.

Police officers in North West urged to seek professional help instead of committing suicide 


The police in the North West are urged to use available services of the South African Police Service’ Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) to get psycho-social support. This comes after two police officers allegedly killed themselves over the weekend. 

The North West police spokesperson, Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone said in Dithakong village, outside Mahikeng, a Warrant Officer (58), who was attached to Mahikeng Public Order Police (POP), allegedly shot and killed his wife (46), then turned the gun on himself. 

“The incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday morning. The Lomanyaneng Police Station registered murder and inquest dockets for investigation. According to information, the couple was found in the bedroom. 

“The wife was certified dead at the scene, while the husband was taken to Mahikeng Provincial Hospital for medical treatment. However, he was certified dead at the hospital. The motive of the incident is unknown,” said Mokgwabone.

He further said in Potchefstroom, a Lieutenant Colonel (50) attached to the Provincial Tactical Response Team (TRT), allegedly shot and killed himself along New Machavie Road, outside Potchefstroom on Sunday morning. 

Mokgwabone added that no foul play is suspected and the inquest docket has been opened for investigation.

Meanwhile, the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the families, relatives, friends and colleagues of the three deceased persons.

The Hawks secure a final forfeiture order of R75 000 


The Hawks Priority Crime Specialised Investigation team and Asset Forfeiture Unit said they have successfully secured a final forfeiture order to an amount of R75 000 against Anayo Njubigb (44). 

The Hawks spokesperson in Northern Cape, Lieutenant Col Tebogo Thebe said: “This comes after the accused was arrested by Upington K9, whilst conducting their day-to-day stop and search. During the search, a black bag was found containing 1012 mandrax tablets with an estimated street value of R25 000.

“The matter was then referred to Priority Crime Specialised Investigation and AFU for further investigation.” 

Thebe said the forfeiture order was granted by the Northern Cape High Court sitting in Kimberley on 17 May 2024.

A man who was nabbed for copper cable theft remanded in custody 


A 27-YEAR-OLD man was arrested for allegedly tampering with the essential infrastructure in Potchefstroom Dam on 18 May 2024. It is alleged that the security guard, who was patrolling, saw Pule Ben Sepeng carrying a backpack. 

The North West police spokesperson, Col Adele Myburgh said the security guard stopped and searched the suspect. Myburgh said the security guard allegedly discovered copper cable inside the backpack. 

“The police were called to the scene and the suspect was arrested after failing to account for the copper cable. Furthermore, the suspect took the police to the place where he stole the cable. 

“Sepeng briefly appeared in Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court and the case was postponed to 23 May 2024, for a formal bail application,” she said.    

Meanwhile, the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, congratulated the security guard for his attentiveness and collaborating with the police in making sure that the suspect was arrested. Kwena also thanked the police in Potchefstroom for their swift response.

Two elderly persons receive RDP houses 


Two elderly persons received RDP houses in Masutlhe 2 village, outside Mahikeng, during the recent North West Provincial Government’s Accelerated Service Delivery Programme, Thuntsha Lerole.

One of the beneficiaries, Shuping Mafete (78), who is visually impaired said he has been staying in a one-roomed house with five dependants. According to Mafete, they had no any form of privacy, as a one-roomed house served as a bedroom, kitchen and living space. 

“Today is indeed a great day for me and my family. I would like to thank the government and everyone who made it possible as our living conditions have been improved. 

“It really means the world to me and my family. We are now proud owners of a new house,” he said.


Another beneficiary, Mapula Lecomo (64) shared the same sentiments. Lecomo further said she stays with one dependent and she is grateful to finally receive the keys to her house. 

“As one of the beneficiaries who have been on the waiting list for a long time, we are grateful that the North West Provincial Government has finally recognised us. The shack was leaking and got flooded every time when it’s rainy. 

“Now, I will be able to sleep in peace and comfortably unlike before. The shack that I have been staying in with my daughter, was hazardous to our health. It often causes a risk to our health, especially during winter, where we would get affected due to strong cold winds and rainy season,” she said. 

Meanwhile, the acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi acknowledged that his department is faced with a lot of housing backlog, but promised that they will do everything in their bit to ensure that beneficiaries receive their houses as the department is mandated to do so. 

“Receiving a house is more than just a roof over your head. It’s about restoring dignity to those who have had difficult lives and suffered in the past. 

“The department also handed over 135 title deeds to deserving beneficiaries as part of the ongoing Title Deeds Friday campaign. This is another government initiative that seeks to recognise residents as rightful owners of land and property,” he said.

Angolan man nabbed for kidnapping, human trafficking  



An Angolan man (46), who was arrested for kidnapping, human trafficking, extortion and Contravention of Section 29 of the Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No. 13 of 2002), briefly appeared in the Klerksdorp Magistrate’s Court. 

Higino Da Silva Cruz’s arrest comes after the National Crime intelligence allegedly received a tip-off regarding the kidnapping of a Brazilian national (39) in Klerksdorp. The North West police spokesperson, Colonel Adele Myburgh said the team consisting of Provincial Organised Crime and Anti-Gang Unit, was mobilised and attended to the matter.  

“The team proceeded to a guesthouse in Oudedorp, Klerksdorp, where the search was conducted. During the search, two non-South African men were found. One of them was the kidnapping victim, who is a Brazilian, while the other with Portugal, Angola and Namibia citizenships, was guarding the victim.  

“The latter was successfully rescued and attended by paramedics. According to information, the victim and the suspects arrived at the guesthouse on 17 May 2024, after being offered a job on 2 April 2024, as a Diamond Expert in the country,” she said. 

Myburgh further said Cruz allegedly entered the country through Angola and Namibia, then met the suspect who then took his passport and bank cards. She added that the victim was ultimately kidnapped and the suspects started to demand ransom.

“The accused was remanded in custody for further investigation. The case was postponed until 28 May 2024,” said Myburgh.

Meanwhile, the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, applauded both the National and Provincial Units involved in the operation for their dedication that led to the arrest and rescuing of the victim.