Modiri wa bookelo jwa Taung, Phemelo Goiwakae o latofatswa ka go teketa mongwe wa baeti kwa bookelong 


Mongwe wa baagi go tswa kwa motseng wa Manthe, gaufi le Taung, Oratile Coetzee, o lela a sa kgaotse, mme o latofatsa mongwe wa badiri ba bookelo jwa Taung, Phemelo Goiwakae ka go mo teketa. 

Seno se tla morago ga gore, Coetzee a tlhalose fa ba ne ba tabogiseditse mongwe wa ditsala tsa gagwe, Paul Lesetedi yo oneng a tlhabilwe ka thipa kwa bookelong go bona thuso ya potlako. 

“Re ile ra fitlha kwa bookelong jwa Taung, mme ra fitlhela badiri bangwe ba robetse. Re ile ra kokotha, mme go sena ope yo o re tlhagang thuso. Go ile ga tsoga kgaruru ma gareng ga rona le badiri bangwe, gonne ba ne ba sa batle go thusa Lesetedi yo oneng a phokga-phokga madi, mme ba mo beile fela mo setulong.

“Ke ne ka bona Goiwakae a robetse morago ga gore a bidiwe ke mongwe wa baoki. Fela, one a latlhelela letsogo, mme a boa a robala. Ke ne ka ntsha mogala wa letheka, mme ka ba tshosetsa ka gore ke isa kgang e kwa dikuranteng,” Coetzee wa tlhalosa. 

Coetzee are fela one a kgorogelwa ke Goiwakae, mme a mo latofatsa ka go mo tsaya ditshwantsho. Coetzee are, gone ga tsoga kgaruru magareng ga gagwe le Goiwakae.

“Goiwakae one a nkitaya ka seatla se se bulegileng, mme a tsaya mogala wa me wa lethaka a o roba. O ile a o latlhela fa fatshe morago ga moo. Ke ile ka leka go ya go bula kgetsi kwa sepodising, fela botsamaisi jwa bookelo bone jwa ntetsetsa go tla go buisana ka kgang e mo letsatsing le le latelang,” Coetzee wa tlhalosa.    

Mokhuduthamaga wa Boitekanelo mono Bokone Bophirima, Madoda Sambatha, one a kgala tiragalo e ka bogale. Sambatha are ga gona modiri ope yo o nang le tetla ya go teketa motho mongwe le mongwe o etelang setheo. 

“Santlha se ke batlang go se totobatsa ke gore, ga gona ope yo tshwanelwang ke go robala mo tirong. Se se tsenyeletsa le badiri ba ba dirang bosigo. Sa bobedi ke gore, ga gona modiri ope wa lefapha o nang le tetla ya go teketa batho ba ba tlang kwa ditheo tsa rona. 

“Modiri o, o thapilwe ke lefapha go ka neelana ka ditirelo go baagi, mme ene o bone go le botokwa gore a tlhasele baeti ba rona. Jaanong, seo se farologane thata le se a se thapetsweng kwa setheong sa rona,” Sambatha wa tlhalosa. 

Sambatha are, bookelo bo tshwanetswe ke go tsaya dikgato tse di gagametseng kgatlhanong le Goiwakae. Gape are, botsamaisi jwa bookelo bo tshwanetswe ke go netefatsa fa ntlha eno e rarabololwa ka bonako. 

“Botsamaisi jwa bookelo jwa Taung, bo tshwanetse gape ke go tsaya dikgato kgatlhanong le badiri botlhe ba ba robalang mo tirong,” Sambatha wa tlhalosa.

Kgabagare, go begwa fa Goiwakae a ile a neelwa lekwalo-kgalemo la bofelo (final written warning) ke botsamaisi jwa bookelo morago ga tiragalo e.


‘EPWP jobs only reserved for ANC card-carrying members’ 


Forum 4 Service Delivery (F4SD) in North West alleged that the ANC is utilising the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) program for the voting campaign. This comes after an outcry that some individuals across villages in North West, were unduly appointed for EPWP program. 

F4SD spokesperson, Khumo Pule said they express a deep concern regarding the reported utilization of the EPWP for political campaigning purposes by the ANC. Pule said the EPWP was established with the noble objective of addressing unemployment and poverty in South Africa by providing short-to-medium term employment opportunities, through the implementation of various projects. 

“However, recent events have shown that the ANC has been using EPWP projects as a tool for advancing its political agenda, particularly in the context of the upcoming 2024 Provincial and National elections.

“While political parties have the right to engage in campaigning activities, it is essential that such activities are conducted within the bounds of ethical and legal frameworks,” he said.

Pule further said exploiting government-funded programs like the EPWP for one sided purposes, undermines the integrity of the program and raises serious questions about the fairness of the electoral process. He said as F4SD, they call upon all political parties, including the ANC to uphold the principles of good governance, transparency and accountability. 

“Furthermore, we have written a letter to the Office of the Public Protector to investigate these allegations thoroughly and take appropriate action to ensure that public resources are not misused for political gain. We are very disappointed that, above all, only ANC card-carrying members were recruited into this province. 

“As such citizens and stakeholders in the democratic process, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and hold our leaders accountable for their actions. 

“We must safeguard the integrity of our democratic institutions and strive to create a political environment characterized by fairness, equality, and respect for the rule of law,” he said.

Meanwhile, the North West Department of Public Works and Roads spokesperson, Learto Gambu has not responded to Taung DailyNews questions regarding these wide-spread allegations. The response will be incorporated in the article when received.

DA to approach SIU over the delays on Mahikeng Road Construction Project  


The Democratic Alliance (DA) in North West said it is time for accountability in Mahikeng’s chaotic Nelson Mandela Road Project. The DA said it demands answers on the never-ending Nelson Mandela Road Project in Mahikeng. 

DA Caucus Leader in the North West Provincial Legislature (NWPL), Freddy Sonakile said a 4km stretch of the road in the middle of Mahikeng, connecting to Botswana, is a critical economic route, but has been the epicentre of chaos. Sonakile further said the original agreement was to upgrade the road within three months.  

“After an extension period was given, the North West MEC for Public Works and Roads MEC, Saliva Molapisi and the acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi, were both on record stating that the road would be completed by December 2023. 

“Maloyi made further promises in his 2024 State of the Province Address (SOPA) that he would follow up on the progress of the dubious road construction. The initial budget allocated for this project was R47 million. However, through a variation order, the amount has now almost doubled to R79 million,” he said.  

Sonakile added that, despite the ballooning figures, the road remains incomplete with no signs of completion in sight. He said to make matters worse, workers have recently downed tools for a week because they did not receive payments.

“Traffic control on this busy road is a nightmare and the potholes have increased as motorists attempt daily to navigate between the chaos. Mostly opting to use internal Golf View or CBD roads to avoid congestion, increasing the damage to road surface on those roads that are not made to carry the increased heavy traffic.

“The road is also the main entrance to Mahikeng Mall, which is also undergoing construction, creating even more chaos. The deliberate delays and failure to deliver a proper road have a negative impact on investor confidence in the town,” said Sonakile. 

He said the failure to deliver basic services, led to the departure of Clover Company in neighbouring Lichtenburg town, leaving hundreds unemployed. Sonakile said one would have thought that ANC comrades would have learned their lesson.

“We will also approach the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) in North West to request an inquiry into the awarding of the contract, the subsequent variation order, and the reason why the construction of the road remains incomplete after a year.  

“The DA will also request the SIU to investigate the roles of departmental officials, including the Head of Department (HOD), Moss Kgantsi in this dubious road project,” he said.

Sonakile said the ANC government is once again making it clear that they have no appetite to deliver proper infrastructure in the North West. 

Meanwhile, the North West Department of Public Works and Roads spokesperson, Lerato Gambu said: “The department is aware and can confirm that workers have resumed work and implementation of the road project is going as planned. In any working environment, there are labour disputes. 

“In this case, there were issues that had to do with compensation of employees, which we have established that the contractor had not paid employees though we had paid for services rendered.”

Gambu said to this date, this matter has been attended to decisively. He said the progress registered on the project to date is over 80%. 

“We are confident that by the end of May 2024, the road will be completed. Obviously with the consideration that like any other project, there will be outstanding issues that find expression in the snack list. 

“But, the road will be open, smooth and trafficable. The department will continue its endeavour to improve the quality of the road network in the province. We have on numerous occasions indicated that the road project initially did not consider the culverts, which run beneath the road to avoid damage by water during heavy rain,” said Gambu.

He said the contractor also struggled with supply and delivery of culverts, which added to the delay. Gambu said they have also witnessed rains that led to flooding of the excavated area thereby not able to proceed until the water has subsided.

A man sentenced to six years imprisonment for impregnating a minor  


A man has been sentenced to six years by the Fraserburg Regional Court for statutory rape. Zwelitsha Mbongashe (25) was involved in a seven-months romantic relationship with a girl (15) between 1 August 2022 and 7 March 2023. 

According to the Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Timothy Sam, Mbongashe impregnated the girl in the process. 

“The accused had a seven-month intimate relationship with the victim, until health officials discovered that the victim was pregnant. So, based on her age, the matter was reported to the police.

“The accused was arrested and found guilty of statutory rape on 6 May 2024. He was sentenced to six years imprisonment, which was suspended for 5 years and he was declared unfit to possess a firearm. His name will also be recorded in the National Sexual Offenders Register,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, welcomed the sentence. Otola praised the Investigating Officer, Detective Constable Jacques Nielsen from the Calvinia Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit, for placing evidence before court that ensures the protection of children’s rights.

“An adult who is 18 years or older, is not allowed to date or have a sexual relationship with someone under the age of 16,” she said.

A man sentenced to life imprisonment for raping a mentally challenged woman



A man who raped a mentally challenged woman and stole her money, has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Springbok Regional Court. Fenandes Damon (38) raped a woman (42) Komaggas in 2020. 

Damon and the victim, were walking home from a local liquor outlet, but he diverted her to an unknown rocky area in Komaggas, were he raped and stole her money. 

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Timothy Sam said: “The victim reported the occurrence to the police. Damon was sentenced to life imprisonment for one count of rape and 12 months imprisonment for theft. 

“The court instructed that his name be recorded in the National Register for Sex Offenders and declared him unfit to possess a firearm.”

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, welcomed the life imprisonment sentence handed down to Damon. Otola also applauded the Investigating Officer, Detective Constable MD Cloete from the Springbok Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS), for the thorough investigative work and ensuring that justice is served for mentally challenged victims of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF).

Molekgotlha wa masepala o mogolwane wa Taung, Pinky Mosinkiemang o latofadiwa ka go ina khadi monwana mo diphirong tsa EPWP 


Baagi go tswa kwa metseng e e farologaneng go ralala Taung, ba kaile fa ba sa tle go letlelela bogwenegwene jo bo diragalang mo porogerameng ya EPWP. Seno se tla morago ga magatwe a gore, balekgotlha bangwe go tswa kwa masepaleng o mogolwane wa Taung, ba tsweletse go thapa batho bangwe ka bokukuntshwane. 

Go ya ka mongwe wa baeteledipele wa baagi kwa motseng wa Lokaleng mono Taung, Thato Mampane, are gona le batho bangwe ba ba thapilweng ka bokukuntshwane kwa bookelong ja Taung. Mampane are ba letse ba etetse bookelo jwa Taung le go ya go leka go emisa diphiro tseo tse di sa lolamang. 

“Fela, kopano ya rona ile ya emisiwa ke molekgotlha, Pinky Mosinkiemang. Se se utlwisang botlhoko ke gore, balekgotlha ba rona ba mo Taung ba thapile batho ba EPWP kwa bookelong jwa rona jwa Taung. Fela, maloko a dikomiti tsa dikgorwana tseo ga ba itse sepe. 

“Jaanong, re ba kopile go nna le kopano le bone le go ka tlhaloganya gore go diragetseng. Fela, ba ile ba re puaganya, mme ba tlhalosa fa kopano e fedile. Seo se bontsha gore ga re batho ba sepe mo pele ga bone,” Mampane wa tlhalosa. 

Are fa a gopola sentle, Mosinkiemang ke ene o a neng a latofatswa ka go thapa bana ba baneng ba tsenela ikatiso ya bo rrapharakano kwa masepaleng o mo golwane wa Taung ka bokukuntshwane. Mampane are le gompieno, gape, Mosinkiemang wa tlhagelela mo ditatofatsong tsa go thapa ka losika kwa bookelong jwa Taung. 

“Fa go thapiwa ga batho ba EPWP gone go tsamaisitswe sentle kwa metseng ya rona e farologaneng, re kabo re se fa. Jaanong, gotlhelele ga ya tsamaisiwa sentle. Seo se bontsha fa puso ya rona e e eteletsweng pele ke lekoko la ANC, e sa re kgathalele. 

“Ka re ebile barongwa-pusong ba yone ba kgona gore puaganya re tsenetse kopano. Gape, re ile ra ikuela go motsamaisi (CEO) wa bookelo gore a emise batho ba ba thapilweng, mme re rarabolole bothata jo. Fela, le ene o ile are latlhelela matsogo,” Mampane wa tlhalosa. 

Mampane o tsweletse ka gore, ba itse gore batho ba ba thapilweng ke ditsala tsa badiredi-puso bao. Are se se bontsha fa motsamaisi wa bookelo le ene a na le karolo mo bogwengweneng jo bo diragalang. 

“Ke eng se se mopaledisang go emisa batho ba ba thapilweng, mme kgang e e rarabololwe? Seo se bontsha fa ele selo se ba se tlwaetseng,” Mampane wa tlhalosa. 

O mongwe wa baagi go tswa kwa Ditshilong 2, Eric Mess le ene o kaile fa se ele bothata jwa baki e e senang letsogo. Mess are o makadiwa ke gore fa balekgotlha ba tshwanetse ba ba neele dikarabo, ba ema ba tsamaya. 

“Mosinkiemang o emisitse kopano, gonne a tshaba go tsaya maikarabelo. Ga go kgonagale gore re nne le baemedi ba dikgorwana ba be ba ithapa gape mo ditirong tsa EPWP. 

“Ka tlwaelo, baemedi ba dikgorwana, ke bone ba ba neelang molekgotlha maina a batho ba ba tshwanetsweng ke go thapiwe. Fela dilo di fetogile ga jaana, gonne ke bone jaanong ba ba ithapang. Ebile ba bagwe ba thapile basadi ba bone, ga mmogo le ditsala tsa bone. Re batla go tlhaloganya gore go dirisitswe tsela efe ya go thapa,” Mess wa tlhalosa. 

Are ga ba bona dikarabo, mme ba ile ba laelwa go ya go kopana le mmusakgotlha wa masepala o mogolwane wa Taung, Grace Moipolai go bona dikarabo. Mess are mo letsatsing la gompieno, ba tlile go boela kwa bookelong gape, le go ntsha batho ba ba thapilweng go se ka fa molaong. 

Kgabagare, sebueledi sa masepala o mogolwane wa Taung, Ricky Oliphant, o kaetse Taung DailyNews fa a ile go batla dikarabo, mme o tla boela go rona. Fela go fitlha ga jaana, Taung DailyNews e sentse e beile letsogo mo phatlheng.

The Hawks secured a preservation order worth over R300 000 against Kagiso Seolwanyane 


The Mahikeng-based Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation and Asset Forfeiture Unit, have secured a Preservation Order of a vehicle worth R338 700 against Kagiso Abram Seolwanyane (60) at the North West High Court in Mahikeng on 6 May 2024. 

This follows the arrest of Seolwanyane in June 2023, after a tip-off was received regarding suspects who were travelling to Mahikeng allegedly wanting to sell a Pangolin for R60 000. 

The Hawks spokesperson in North West, Warrant Officer, Amogelang Malwetse said the information was operationalised and a Toyota Hilux GD-6 was monitored, stopped and searched along Vryburg road. Malwetse said during the search, a bag containing Pangolin was allegedly found inside the vehicle and Seolwanyane was immediately arrested and charged for illegal possession of Pangolin.

“The vehicle was seized as it was used to commit an offence of selling endangered species. Following investigation on the matter, a Preservation Order worth R338 700, was granted on the vehicle,” she said.

One suspect linked to Mahikeng protest to appear in court


A man (22) has been arrested for the alleged malicious damage to property, assault common and intimidation. This is in connection with the incident that occurred at Batswana Commercial Secondary School in Montshioa Township, in Mahikeng during protest on Monday.  

The North West police spokesperson, Brig Sabata Mokgwabone said the suspect allegedly intimidated, assaulted a teacher and damaged his cell phone during the protest action. Mokgwabone further said the suspect will appear in the Molopo Magistrate’s Court in Mmabatho on 8 May 2024.

“Other cases of common robbery, malicious damage to property and damage to essential infrastructure are still under investigation. The incidents took place along the Albert Luthuli Drive, near Extension 39 and at Montshioa Township, whereby a bus and a mini delivery truck were torched. 

“It is alleged that a number of community members barricaded various roads, including the N18 in Makhubung village and R503 in Danville in the early hours of Monday. The reports suggest that unidentified people torched a bus and a delivery truck at Extension 39 and Montshioa Township respectively,” he added.  

The North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena has condemned in the strongest possible terms the eruption of public violence incidents in Mahikeng. Kwena said schooling was also disrupted.

“The situation is currently under control and police in the Greater Mahikeng and Public Order Police (POP), are working hard to maintain public order. Barricades have been removed from most of the affected national and provincial roads to allow the free flow of traffic.

“We would like to request all law abiding citizens not to participate in violent and unlawful protests, which are characterised by criminality and meant to cause anarchy and unnecessary panic amongst members of the community,” said Kwena.  

He said they also urge members of the community, including Community Police Forum (CPF) members to be the eyes and ears of the police by reporting instigators and anyone who incites violence. Kwena made it clear that the police will not hesitate to trace and arrest those who are responsible for these acts of violence.

“The police are maintaining their presence in the area. The police management noted with concern the tendency of public servants, who fail to report for work under the pretext that it is not safe to go to work or schools, while workers in other sectors still report for duty with minimal or no serious disturbance,” said Kwena.

Spiking on N4 road in North West a concern 


The North West MEC for Community Safety and Transport Management, Sello Lehari, will address the incessant and unceasing spiking challenges experienced mainly on N4 road. Lehari will also launch the new uniform for the elite unit, The Eagles

Lehari spokesperson, Tshegofatso Mothibedi said: “The uniform, which is different from that of the Provincial Traffic Officers’ attire, represents an identification of The Eagles

The Eagles is a specialised unit that consists of 60 members. It was established in 2023 to operate on a 24-hour basis on arterial routes, including the N4, N12, N18 and N14 consists of 60 members. 

“The activity will form part of the Provincial Government’s Accelerated Service Delivery Programme, Thuntsha Lerole, which will be held in Matlosana. The event will commence on N12 road in Klerksdorp on 10 May 2024 at 9am,” he said.

SANCO in North West calls for the lifting of moratorium on vacancies


The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) said it is advocating for the lifting of the moratorium, which includes the freezing of advertisements of posts and joining labour unions’ demands for the government, particularly the National Treasury to end the drastic measure.

In October 2023, the National Treasury imposed a moratorium on cost containment measures affecting government institutions. This includes freezing the hiring of new employees in the public service and stopping payment for contract workers.

SANCO spokesperson in North West, Mzukisi Jam said they find this perplexing that the Treasury would implement a directive to freeze the hiring of new employees when the country is facing skyrocketing unemployment, poverty and inequality.

Jam further said the measure also poses significant challenges to government departments that are already continuing to suffer budget cuts of the previous austerity measures to the public service. 

He added that they echo the sentiments of labour unions, emphasizing that this decision contradicts the urgent need to strengthen the state’s capacity by filling vacancies in the public service to meet the needs of the people. 

“Furthermore, it undermines the objective of building a capable and developmental state that effectively addresses societal needs. The National Treasury is a strategic department that amongst other things is expected to play a critical role in enhancing the state’s capacity to deliver quality public services. 

“However, we wonder how the government intends to accelerate service delivery with inadequate human resources. While acknowledging the fiscal constraints and the necessity to reduce unnecessary spending, we believe that this blanket austerity approach across government departments is counter-productive,” said Jam. 

He said it does not only weaken the government, but also stifles economic growth. Jam asserted that the Treasury should prioritize ensuring a well-functioning public service with adequate personnel and skills to stimulate economic growth.

“SANCO urges the Executive Committee (EXCO) of the North West Provincial Government (NWPG) to join the civic organization and labour unions and make an appeal to the National Treasury to lift this moratorium.

“Our province is predominantly rural with limited economic opportunities and does not deserve stringent measures that hinder its development and make it difficult to improve the living conditions of its residents,” he said.

Jam said it is imperative to address the compromised service delivery that communities are complaining about. He said it is also unfair for public servants to be burdened with excessive workloads, while funded vacancies remain unfilled and there are hundreds of graduates seeking employment opportunities in government to make a living for themselves and support their families.

“SANCO in the province calls on the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and its affiliate union, the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU), to intensify their campaign against austerity measures imposed by the Government and National Treasury.

“We also pledge our full support for any action the labour union may undertake to address these pressing issues,” said Jam.