Monna o a latofadiwang ka go teketa mmagwe o neetswe beile


Monna wa kwa motseng wa Matolong gaufi le Taung, yo a latofadiwang ka go teketa mmagwe, o reboletswe beile ya R500 ke kgotlhatshekelo ya Taung mo letsatsing la gompieno. 

Ka di 2 Motsheganong 2024, go begwa fa Mpumelelo Thobela (41) a ile a goroga kwa gagabo, mme a fitlha a kopa mmagwe (73) madi a gwa go reka nnotagi. Fela, go begwa fa mosadimogolo a ne a itoka fa a sena le peni. 

Go begwa fa seo se ile sa shakgatsa Thobela. Go ya ka dipego, Thobela one a mo tlhasela le go mo goga-goga mo mmileng. Go begwa fa mosadimogolo a ne a kuwa mokgosi. Go begwa fa baagisani ba ne ba utlwa selelo seo sa ga Ragele, mme ba mo tlhaga thuso, le go mo namola mo diatleng tsa ga Thobela. 

Go ya ka sebueledi sa sa sepodisi mo Bokone Bophirima, Col Adele Myburgh, Thobela gape o latofadiwa ka go tlola molao-peelo wa Protection Order under Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No 116 of 1998). 

Thobela o ile a tlhagelela lekgetlho la ntlha kwa kgotlhatshekelo ka Mosupulogo, mme kgetsi ya gagwe ya shutisediwa mo letsatsing la gompieno. Kgetsi ya ga Thobela e buseditswe morago go fitlha di 3 Seetebosigo 2024, mme ene o tla nama a letile kwa ntle.  

Kgabagare, mogokaganyi wa sedika wa Women Mobilisation Committee go tswa kwa lekoko la sepolotiki la Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Masego Lepedi are: “Jaaka re le bomme, mme re ikarabela ka ntwa kgatlhanong le tshotlakako ya bong, re kgala thata tiragalo e e diragetseng. Ditiragalo tsa tshotlakako ya basadi le bana di dintsi, fela boammaruri ke gore setsosa sa kgang ke botlhoka-tiro mo nageng. Ke ka moo rona jaaka EFF re ikuela gore go tlhamiwe ditiro. 

“Botlhoka-tiro ke seemo se se boima, mme se tlhoka go ka tsibogelwa ka nako. Re kgala thata tiragalo e, mme re ikuela gore molao o tseye karolo. Go tlaleletsa mo go seo, rena le Rehabilitation Centre mo Taung e e sa direng. Maloko a rona a EFF ba eleng barongwa-pusong, ba ile ba tsaya matsapa le go ya go lekola seemo sa Rehabilitation Centre eo, mme ba fitlhela fa e sa dire.” 

Lepedi are jaanong go sa dire ga Rehabilitation Centre go ama matshelo a baagi. Are ba dumela gore fa Rehabilitation Centre ene e dira, ba tla bo ba bona phapang. 

“Dikgwetlho tsa bana ba ba shotlhang batsadi ba bone di teng, mme fela ba kabe ba ya go ikgopolola kwa go yone. Bontsi jwa bone ba dirisa diritibatsi le nnotagi botlhatshwa ka ntlheng ya seemo sa khumanego se ba tshelelang mo go sone. 

“Seemo se re tshelelang mo go sone, ke sa khumanego mme se tlhotlheletsa dilo tsotlhe tse di maswe tse di diragalang. Bagaetsho, puso ya rona ere paletse, mme re tshelela mo lehumeng le mo tshotlakako,” Lepedi wa tlhalosa. 

Are ga gona sepe se se botokwa se ba tla se shupang se sentle se se dirilweng ke puso e mo tlase ga lekoko la ANC.

USave supermarket in Christiana robbed 


The USave supermarket in Christiana has been robbed. According to the North West police spokesperson in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati cluster, Warrant Officer Tryphosa van Rooyen, the manager of the store, allegedly discovered on Monday morning (6 May 2024) upon opening the store, that there was a burglary during the night.

“The safes were broken and an undisclosed amount of money was stolen. No arrests thus far and investigations are underway,” van Rooyen said.

A house gutted by fire in Lokgabeng 


The police in Taung said they have opened an arson case and investigations are underway. This comes after a house in Lokgabeng village, near Taung, was gutted by a fire on Sunday. 

The North West police spokesperson in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati cluster, Warrant Officer Tryphosa van Rooyen said: “The police are investigating an arson case after allegations of intentionally setting fire to immovable property belonging to another. 

“The cause of the fire has not been determined, but the investigations are underway. Regarding foul play, information was provided that the fire was set intentionally.”

Van Rooyen said no one has been arrested thus far.

The desecration of SA flag by DA is a deliberate attempt to urinate at the gains of democracy  



The ANCYL spokesperson in North West, Tshepo Mohlomi, who wrote in his personal capacity said, the political advertisement of the Democratic Alliance (DA), by burning a South African flag, bothers on national unity, reconciliation and building of a united democratic, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa.

Mhlomi said many scholars have argued that a flag is a symbol of national pride. He further said they advance arguments that it is the foundation of any country. 

He added that, as Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S. Supreme Court has said, “A country’s flag is a symbol of more than a nationhood and national unity,”. 

It also signifies the ideas that characterise the society that has chosen that emblem, as well as the special history that has animated the growth and power of those ideas in war-stricken countries during coups d’état. 

“Forces of regime change will relentlessly after defeating the government of the day, lower down the flag and put up a new one as a sign that the government of the day is overthrown,” said Mohlomi.

He added that, what became more interesting is the fact that there are many things that can be changed but these dictators would rush to change the flag, the question is why? Mohlomi said the DA knows the importance of a flag and what it represents.

“They also know why nations protect the flags so much. So, their advert is not a coincidence or a mistake. It is a deliberate attempt to urinate at the gains of democracy. To show a middle finger to the government and the people of South Africa. 

“In the apartheid era, desecration of a flag was illegal and sanctions were a fine or imprisonment. Surely, we should explicitly promulgate legislation on the flag desecration in South Africa,” he said.

Mohlomi said the Southern African Vexillological Association prescribes in the flag regulations ways in which flags must be treated. He said it further states disposal.

“When no longer in fit condition to be used. A flag should be disposed of in a dignified manner. Could the illustration of a banning flag mean that the DA feels that the flag’s time has expired? 

“Does this mean the DA doesn’t respect the flag? Or what could be lessons to be drawn from this treachery?” he said. 

Meanwhile, the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa, shared the sentiments. Kodwa said they condemn in the strongest terms the political advertisement by the DA, which shows the burning of the South African flag.

Kodwa said: “On a night in which we celebrated 30 years of sporting excellence at the South African Sport Awards (SASA) with athletes who have raised our flag high, the DA decided to offend and insult the nation by showing a political advertisement depicting the burning of our national flag.

“The South African flag represents our nationhood. It represents the coming together of our people. The South African flag symbolises unity in our diversity and represents the hopes and aspirations of our nation,” he said. 

Kodwa said as a custodian of all national symbols, which include the South African flag, he strongly condemns the DA’s advertisement, which depicts the burning of the South African flag. He said this offends all South Africans who proudly raise our country’s flag sky high and appreciate its representation as the flag of a free, democratic and non-racial nation. 

“I shudder to think what other South African compatriots such as Hellen Suzman, Zack de Beer, and Van Zyl Slabbert, would say about this act of desperation and recklessness demonstrated by the current historical and unpatriotic leaders of DA,” said Kodwa.

Kgetsi ya polao kgatlhanong le monna wa kwa Majaneng e buseditswe morago 


Kgetsi ya polao kgatlhanong le monna wa kwa motseng wa Majaneng, gaufi le Taung, e buseditswe morago ke kgotlhatshekelo ya Taung go fitlha ka di 3 Seetebosigo 2024. Motseothata Nelson Seoleseng (35), o tlhotse a tlhageletse kwa kgotlhatshekelo ya Taung mo letsatsing la gompieno mabapi le ditofatso tsa go tlhaba le go bolaya tsala ya gagwe, Mosimanegape Adam van Wyk (31), ka thiba.

Go begwa fa Seoleseng ga mmogo le moswi, ba ne ba le mmogo, mme ba ile ba ya kwa gabo molatofadiwa ko ba fitlhetseng morwa rragwe molatofadiwa a na le lekgarebe la gagwe.

Mongwe wa bo maratahelele wa tlhalosa: “Go begwa fa go ile ga runya kgakgauthano ya mafoko ma gareng ga molatofadiwa le monnawe. Sebakwa sa kgakgauthano ke gore, molatofadiwa one a botsa monnawe gore goreng a tlisa lekgarebe kwa gagabo.

“Ene ya re fa e ya matsogong, tsala ya molatofadiwa, van Wyk, one a leka go tsiriganya. Fela go begwa fa molatofadiwa a ne a mo tsogela kgatlhanong, mme a mo tsatsanka ka thipa. Go ya ka dipego, moswi one a rwalelwa kwa bookelong jwa sedika jwa Taung, fela one a balelelwa le badimo mo letsatsing la Tshipi.”

Go begwa fa kgetsi ya polao ene ya bulwa, mme mmelaelwa one a tshwarwa.

Kgabagare, sebueledi sa sepodisi mo sedikeng sa Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Warrant Officer Tryphosa van Rooyen are, kgetsi ya polao e butswe.

Monna o tshwaretsweng polao kwa Majaneng o tlhagelela kwa kgotlhatshekelo


Monna wa kwa motseng wa Majaneng, gaufi le Taung, Motseothata Nelson Seoleseng (35), o solofetswe go shadikanya matlho fa pele ga magistrata wa Taung mo letsatsing la gompieno. Seoleseng o latofadiwa ka go tlhaba le go bolaya tsala ya gagwe, Mosimanegape Adam van Wyk (31), ka thiba.

Go begwa fa Seoleseng ga mmogo le moswi, ba ne ba le mmogo, mme ba ile ba ya kwa gabo molatofadiwa ko ba fitlhetseng morwa rragwe molatofadiwa a na le lekgarebe la gagwe.

Mongwe wa bo maratahelele wa tlhalosa: “Go begwa fa go ile ga runya kgakgauthano ya mafoko ma gareng ga molatofadiwa le monnawe. Sebakwa sa kgakgauthano ke gore, molatofadiwa one a botsa monnawe gore goreng a tlisa lekgarebe kwa gagabo.

“Ene ya re fa e ya matsogong, tsala ya molatofadiwa, van Wyk, one a leka go tsiriganya. Fela go begwa fa molatofadiwa a ne a mo tsogela kgatlhanong, mme a mo tsatsanka ka thipa. Go ya ka dipego, moswi one a rwalelwa kwa bookelong jwa sedika jwa Taung, fela one a balelelwa le badimo mo letsatsing la Tshipi.”

Go begwa fa kgetsi ya polao ene ya bulwa, mme mmelaelwa one a tshwarwa.

Kgabagare, sebueledi sa sepodisi mo sedikeng sa Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Warrant Officer Tryphosa van Rooyen are, kgetsi ya polao e butswe.

SAFA Ekurhuleni wraps up Phase 1 of CAF B Diploma


The South African Football Association (SAFA) said the first phase of the CAF B Diploma concluded at the Germiston Stadium on Sunday afternoon and it was a success. The football in South Africa said, SAFA in Ekurhuleni have become unrivalled with coaching education. 

SAFA president in Ekurhuleni, Job Mchunu told that, the region was very eager to host this prestigious course when the offer came from the SAFA’s head office in Nasrec. Mchunu said they were delighted to host the 25 coaches, who attended and ensuring that his region continues to pay a pivotal role in developing football on and off the field.

“On behalf of SAFA Ekurhuleni and its REC, I want to take this opportunity to thank the mother body (SAFA) and the Technical Director Walter Steenbok for affording us this opportunity as a region to be the first to roll out the CAF B Diploma coaching course.  

“We look forward to the remaining two phases which will be held in June and July 2024. We take our contribution to football very seriously and our doors are always open to the opportunities of developing the beloved game,” he said.

A man who allegedly assaulted his own mother to apply for bail  


A man (41) from Matolong village, near Taung who has been arrested for allegedly assaulting his own mother and contravention of a Protection Order under the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998) is expected to apply for bail at Taung Magistrate’s Court today.

On Thursday evening, Mpumelelo Thobela allegedly came home and demanded alcohol money from his mother. However, he allegedly assaulted and dragged her in the streets after she refused to give him money. 

The North West police spokesperson, Col Adele Myburgh said: “The incident occurred after a protection order was earlier granted against the suspect, who allegedly assaulted his niece. He was arrested on 3 May 2024, shortly after the incident was reported to the police. 

“The suspect will appear before the Taung Magistrate’s Court on Monday.”  

The North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, said it is sad that an elderly mother was allegedly attacked by her own son, who is supposed to protect her. Kwena condemned the incident in the strongest possible terms and said police will continue to protect the most vulnerable and bring the alleged perpetrators to book.   

Meanwhile, the Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM) in the North West said it is disappointed by the despicable and shameful act of Thobela. MRM Provincial Interim Committee Convener, Pastor Lesiba Kgwele commended the police for the culprit’s swift arrest.

“We are confident that the criminal justice system will send an unequivocal message that there is no place in our society for those who abuse and commit such atrocious acts against the most vulnerable in our society being the elderly and women. 

“Abuse of parents by their children is a sign of moral decay. So, we call on our communities to unite in action to reclaim Ubuntu as well as lost family and community values. The courageous step undertaken by the assaulted mother had demonstrated that the elderly do not have to suffer in silence,” he said. 

Kgwele further said the programme for the relaunch of MRM structures in districts and municipalities across the province, which was suspended due to the national and provincial elections and focus on promoting the Charter of Elections Ethics, will soon be expedited.

He added that this will ensure that intervention programmes targeted at the most vulnerable are implemented full steam in partnership with government, traditional leaders, churches and other civil society organisations.

Opinion: ‘There is no faceless revolution unless it is a counter-revolution’


The situation in Mahikeng currently requires us to think about who stands to benefit out of this madness. A protest action led by faceless people with no message can only mean one thing and one thing alone, regime change and counter-revolution insurgence.

With less than three weeks towards elections, there is more to what meets the eye. The leaderless protests can only mean that there is a dark force that wants to destabilize the democratic system of electing leadership of the Republic. These forces know for a fact that the ballot is mightier than the bullet, thence disruption at all costs.

Whereas we believe that the constitution gives birth to a myriad of rights. One of them being the right to freedom of assembly and protest, this doesn’t guarantee the freedom to disrupt public order, destroy public property and infringe a whole lot of other rights. 

Instead, legislation sets out prescripts of how to undergo a protest action. Failure which to follow, shall mean that the action is illegal. Torching of public and private property is a crime. Arsonists do not belong to a democratic South Africa. Theirs, is not a genuine protest, but a counterrevolution, regime change and disruption of democratic process. 

South Africans have a choice, unlike many conflict hungry nations. We believe in free and fair elections. Anyone of the legal age, registered to vote has a right to participate in the process of electing their government. A government will not be chosen through means of so called “sporadic protests”, destroying of public and private property and counterrevolution.

To protect our future, to protect the integrity of elections, let all and sundry desist from actions and activities that may render elections meaningless. Let’s protect our rights by rejecting elements aimed at destabilizing our country for meaningless aims.

We call upon law enforcement agencies, in particular the South African Police Services to deploy strategic resources to curb this counterrevolution. Maintain public order and arrest perpetrators who undermine the rule of law and constitutional democracy.

Together we can do more!

Note: Mr Motebang Mohlomi is ANCYL spokesperson in North West and writes in his personal capacity. Taung DailyNews and its associates, does not necessarily agree nor disagree with the content of this article. All contents depicted in this article, remains the views of Mr Motebang Mohlomi 

Two suspects nabbed for kidnapping, extortion and possession of unlawful firearm 


Two suspects have been arrested for kidnapping, extortion and unlawful possession of a firearm on Sunday. It is alleged that, a victim (23), was allegedly kidnapped during the early hours of Saturday morning (4 May 2024), outside a nightclub in Stilfontein by armed men driving a Nissan vehicle. 

His Volkswagen Polo vehicle was allegedly stolen during the kidnapping. According to the North West police spokesperson, Col Adele Myburgh, shortly after the kidnapping, the suspects demanded a ransom from the victim’s family. Myburgh said they allegedly threatened to kill the victim should the family fail to meet their demands. 

“The victim’s Volkswagen Polo was found abandoned later the same morning in Khuma Township, near Stilfontein. With the involvement of a multidisciplinary team comprising of the North West Provincial Drug Task Team, Hostage Negotiators, Crime Intelligence, West Rand Flying Squad, the Air wing, Carletonville K9, Fochville police, Spectrac Security and BIU Security, in cooperation to arrest, a drop-off point was agreed upon for the ransom to be paid on 5 May 2024. 

“Then the team tactically kept observations until a Mercedes Benz vehicle was spotted on the N12, close to Fochville at around 1pm. The occupants were confronted by the police after picking up the money,” she said. 

Myburgh further said the suspects’ vehicle allegedly sped off from the drop-off point, but ultimately came to a halt after the police fired shots. She added that the suspects who ran off were arrested by the police. 

“One of the suspects (40), was injured during the shooting incident and taken to hospital, where he is under police guard. The police recovered the ransom money and seized the suspects’ vehicle and a firearm suspected to have been used during the commission of the crimes. 

“After the arrest on the N12, the kidnapped victim was dropped off unharmed at Doornkop police station. One suspect (33) is expected to appear in the Stilfontein Magistrate’s Court on 7 May 2024,” said Myburgh. 

Meanwhile, the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, lauded the team for working around the clock to arrest the suspects and confiscate an illegal firearm. Kwena said the arrests will send a strong message that criminal activities will not be tolerated.