The PROVJOINTS in North West lauded for high level of safety during elections 


The Co-Chairperson of Provincial Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (PROVJOINTS) in North West, Major General Patrick Asaneng said after months and weeks of detailed and integrated planning, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in North West, has just concluded and put a stamp of approval, appreciation and gratitude to the Provincial Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (PROVJOINTS). 

Asaneng said this comes after the high level Safety and Security Plan that enabled the holding and delivery of free, fair and credible National and Provincial Elections (NPE) under difficult circumstances since the dawn of democratic state 30 years ago.

He said in planning for this year’s elections, the PROVJOINTS and the IEC had to take into account budgetary and cost containment constraints. 

Asaneng further said this was done without jeopardising and compromising the safety, security and credibility of not only the IEC, but also the safety and security of the elections and the many political parties and contestants, who registered to vote and took part in the elections, which were spread over three days of voting.

“The PROVJOINTS, which was entrusted with the mammoth task and responsibility of securing the entire process, was for the first time faced with an unprecedentedly high number of political parties. More than 30 and three different ballot papers. 

“This includes the first time use of Voter Management Devices (VMDs) by the IEC, in addition to managing the stability situation in the province. Despite the uncertainty and threats of disruptions of elections, the PROVJOINTS managed to deliver on its assurance to the IEC and all the people of North West that elections will be held in a safe, secure and conducive environment,” he said.

Asaneng added that it is now common cause that the elections in the province were without any major or significant security breaches. He said this is highly due to the command, management, commitment, dedication and support of all the joint departments, the IEC, the communities, and civil society in the province.

“The joint command of the PROVJOINTS led by the South African Police Service (SAPS), South African National Defence Force and State Security Agency and ably supported by the Justice Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) cluster departments, State Owned Entities (SOEs), the District and Local Municipalities and Provincial Disaster Management Centre, would like to express its sincerest appreciation to all the men and women of different law enforcement agencies and different entities, who heeded the call of duty by working tirelessly and diligently to make sure that the 2024 epoch making elections were held in a safe and secure, peaceful and conducive environment,” said Asaneng. 

He said the dedication, discipline, cooperation and commitment displayed by all is testament to the spirit of patriotism and further enhanced the image of South Africa internationally, given the fact that the eyes of the world were on this year’s elections.

He said the PROVJOINTS would like to take this opportunity to express its gratitude to all those who made sure that there is stability during the elections.

Glencore Rhovan Mine back in operation after four weeks’ halt  


The situation at Glencore Rhovan Mine in Bethanie is back to normal. This comes after operations were brought to a grinding halt for four weeks by irked community members, who complained about lack of employment. 

The mine workforce comprises 65% of the local community members. 

The situation prompted the acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi to establish the technical team led by the North West MEC for Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT), Virginia Tlhapi, acting Head of Department (HOD) at DEDECT, Lebogang Diale and Head of Department (HOD) at the North West Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), Dr Ben Bole to intervene in the impasse.

The Bakwena ba Mogopa Tribal Authority under the stewardship of Kgosi Motheo Mamogale, owns 26% stake of Rhovan operations. Mamogale said after three weeks of negotiation between the North West Provincial Government (NWPG), Rhovan Glencore Mine and community leaders, agreed on short, medium and long term solutions, with employment of fixed term workers being an immediate measure.

“Seventy workers will be employed immediately and another batch of 70, will be employed in July 2014, for a minimum of 6 months’ period in different projects, including the establishment of a solar power farm. 

“Through the SLP, the mine has amongst others built Bethanie Clinic, Barseba, Makolokwe and Bethanie Sports Facility, built ablution facilities at the local schools and has entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Magalies Water and Rustenburg Local Municipality to supply bulk water to the locals,” he said.

Mamogale further said the mine is also skilling the local community members for employment and to be business ready. He added that, furthermore, the mine empowers locals through training and development interventions including bursaries, learnerships, scholarships, internships, business studies through GIBS.

Tlhapi said it is satisfying with what the negotiations have yielded. She said she believes that more will be done to bring stability, improving the relations between the mine and the community and creating more opportunities.

“We are delighted to announce that the community has agreed to opportunities presented to them by the mine as a short-term measure. We will resolve other issues raised, which included the businesses after creating legitimate structures in the areas.

“We intend to host community meetings in all Bakwena ba Mogopa villages to form structures that will champion the interest of the communities. The provincial government also intends to oversee the formation of the Board of Trustees as soon as possible, which will be accountable to the mine royalties of Bakwena Ba Mogopa and further create socio-economic opportunities for all,” said Tlhapi.

Meanwhile, the Chief Operation Officer, Adriaan Brugman said Rhovan is a Glencore open cast managed mine operation in Bethanie. Its mineral deposit comprises vanadiferous, titaniferous, magnetite gabbro, with vanadium occurring in the magnetite.

Brugman said Rhovan remains committed to empowering their host communities so that they thrive with good education, better health facilities and with business and employment opportunities.

“We have employed 649 workers and 65% are from the Bakwena Ba Mogopa villages and we have about 380 on fixed term contracts of which 86% are locals. All employment and business opportunities are advertised on our information portal to ensure fairness and transparency.

“We are creating other opportunities through the implementation of the Social and Labour plans. The current SLP is yet to be approved. This is worrisome because we want to implement projects and unlock more opportunities,” he said.

Shaleng Primary and Mothelesi Secondary School to be combined 


The community of Shaleng village, near Taung said they are happy after a consultative engagement with the North West MEC for Education, Viola Motsumi on Wednesday, over the construction of the new state-of-the-art school. The community members engaged in a meeting with Motsumi to map the way forward over the construction of the new school.  

This comes after community members on Tuesday embarked on a poor service delivery protest demanding amongst others, a new school. One of the community leaders, Sinah Gaoagwe, said the department has promised to build a new school since 2019, but nothing has happened. 

“We had a meeting with Motsumi on Wednesday as agreed. We managed to elect the committee that will represent us. The committee is composed of three School Governing Body (SGB) members from the Shaleng Primary School, three SGB members from Mothelesi Secondary School, two ordinary community members and one from the Baga-Mothibi Tribal Authority. 

“Now, the committee will meet on a monthly basis and give us an update regarding any developments on this project. Motsumi approved the committee and she promised to send a commitment letter today,” she said.   

Meanwhile, Motsumi said the community members welcomed the swift move by the department to address the long-standing concerns of parents and educators at Shaleng Primary School and Mothelesi Secondary School. She further said these schools have faced challenges due to low enrolment with a combined student population falling below 500. 

“Recognizing the need for improved learning environments, the department has taken decisive action to optimize resources and deliver quality education. We are committed to providing conducive learning spaces for all our learners. 

“After careful consideration and discussions with the school communities comprising School Governing Body (SGBs), parents and teachers, we have agreed to combine Shaleng Primary and Mothelesi Secondary Schools into a single institution, which will make them a Combined School,” said Motsumi.

She added that this solution will ensure they can utilize resources effectively, while planning for a brand new school building. Motsumi emphasized that the Combined School will cater to both primary and secondary learners on the same premises.

“It’s important to clarify that even though the schools are being combined, each section will have its dedicated block of classrooms and ablution facilities. The department has already advertised the tender for construction at the school. 

“Construction is anticipated to begin in June 2024, with the goal of handing over the revamped facility to the community before the next academic year. This initiative demonstrates the department’s dedication to prioritizing the well-being of learners and ensuring equitable access to quality education across the province.

A man sentenced to six years for statutory rape 


A man (23) was sentenced to 6 year imprisonment by the Calvinia Regional Court for statutory rape. Angelo De Vries was in an intimate relationship with a girl (15), and when she became pregnant, the matter was reported to the police. 

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said: “The Investigating Officer, D/WO David Matthys from the Calvinia Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit, conducted the investigation that ensured no impunity is granted to the perpetrator of this Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) crime, especially as we are celebrating child protection month. 

“Vries was found guilty and sentenced to 6 years imprisonment, which was suspended for 5 years. Kock further said the accused was also declared unfit to possess a firearm. His name is to be recorded in the National Sexual Offenders Register.”