A man for being in possession of drugs 


A man (18) was arrested for being in possession of drugs in Marydale on 27 May 2024. The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Timothy Sam said the police allegedly received a tip-off regarding a suspicious unknown person in Bokwe Street in Marydale.

“Upon arrival, the police spotted the identified person who, upon seeing the police, ran away. The police gave chase and caught up with him in the Zwelitsha Township.

“Upon further investigation, the police recovered mandrax tablets with an estimated street value of R4 320. The suspect was arrested and charged for illegal possession of drugs and will appear in the Marydale Magistrate’s Court soon,” he said.

Shemane said the police were commended for their swift response and removing drugs from the streets. He also applauded the community for their active role in reporting crime. 

“The public is encouraged to rate the police efforts in fighting crime by participating in the “RATE OUR SERVICE” online survey to assist the police in improving services. 


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