Boxes containing suspected illicit hookah charcoal tablets seized


In a concerted effort to eradicate the selling of illicit goods, the police from Crime Intelligence and South African Revenue Service (SARS) Customs Unit, recovered and seized a large amount of suspected illicit hookah charcoal tablets on 20 May 2024. 

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Merapelo Pilane said this comes after the members of Provincial Crime Intelligence, received a tip-off about an expected delivery of illicit hookah charcoal tablets at a storage facility in Phakamile Mabija Street in Kimberley. 

“The information was immediately operationalised, and over two thousand boxes containing charcoal tablets with an estimated value of R900 000 were confiscated. The police have opened an enquiry and the investigation continues,” she said.

The law enforcement agencies in Northern Cape ready for General National Elections  


The Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, who is the Chairperson of the Provincial Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (PROVJOINTS), together with the South African Defence Force and the State Security Agency (SSA) and all other stakeholders within the JCPS cluster, said they are confident that the province is ready to police the upcoming National and Provincial General Elections of 2024.                                                                          

Otola said all security measures and plans that have been put in place, will ensure that the election process in the Northern Cape proceeds without any incidents of crime and disruptions. 

“We assure maximum deployments to ensure the successful execution of the operational plan. As the PROVJOINTS, we are satisfied with the contingency plans put in place and reassure the inhabitants of the Northern Cape that they can expect a safe and peaceful election. 

“However, while measures are in place, the ultimate responsibility of ensuring a safe and conducive environment lies with every citizen of the province, which requires sound partnerships in order to create a harmonious backdrop of mutual respect as we are heading to the voting polls,” she said. 

Otola further said threats identified such as community protests are already being attended to and those that are found to be in contravention of the law are being dealt with. She added that the Public Order Police Units (POPS) are on the ground and ready to prevent and combat such incidents.

“We take this opportunity to remind our communities that the constitution of the Republic of South Africa, provides that every resident is free to make political choices, which includes the right to participate in the activities of political parties and to campaign for such parties.

“In addition, communities are also cautioned and warned to refrain from vandalising, defacing and removing posters and placards of political parties, as this constitutes an offence. Any person found to be tampering with posters or vandalizing it, will be arrested and charged with contravention of the Electoral Act 73 of 1998, which prohibits the unlawful removal and defacing of posters published by a political party,” said Otola.

She also condemned the spreading of fake news, unverified information, rumours or threats on social media platforms that seek to cause unnecessary panic and confusion and in some instances incite possible violence. Otola said those found to be sharing inflammatory messages and inciting violence will be charged accordingly.

“Simultaneous parades were conducted by the five District Commissioners in John Taolo Gaetsewe, Frances Baard, Pixely Ka-Seme, ZF Mgcawu and Namakwa districts respectively. The police with the support of the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster departments’ main priority is to ensure a safe and secure election process. 

“We also assure the communities of the Northern Cape that normal crime prevention and policing operations are continuing prior, during and beyond the election period. Every law enforcement officer on the ground, has the responsibility and an obligation to execute their mandate, professionally, impartially and with integrity and within the confines of the laws of the country,” said Otola. 

She said their members are reminded that they are “a-political” and will enforce the law without fear and favour.