Ramaphosa: “SA is ready for the forthcoming elections”


The president of Republic of South Africa (RSA), Cyril Ramaphosa said the country is ready for the forthcoming General Elections. Ramaphosa was addressing the country on Sunday evening, where many people suggested that might be his last speech as the president of country owing to the much-anticipated elections on 29 May 2024.

He said as this 6th democratic administration draws to a close, the country has travelled together over the last 5 years. Ramaphosa further said tomorrow morning at 9am, in voting stations and homes across the country, South Africans who have registered for special votes will begin to cast their ballots.

“Thousands of South Africans living abroad have already voted. And this Wednesday, 29 May 2024, millions more South Africans will exercise this most important of democratic rights.

“This will be the seventh time that South Africans of all races, from all walks of life, from all corners of our country, will go to vote for national and provincial government,” he said.

Ramaphosa added that, they will once again assert the fundamental principle, articulated in the Freedom Charter, that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of all the people. He said in the days to come, they will be doing much more than exercising their constitutional right to vote.

“We will be determining the direction that our country takes. We will be taking responsibility for our future, the future of our families, our communities, and our nation. As we cast our votes, we will be vindicating the struggles and sacrifices of the generations before us who fought for this democracy.

“As in every election that we have held since 1994, we expect this election to be held in conditions of peace and stability, to be free and to be fair. We commend the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) for the impressive work they have undertaken in preparation for these elections,” said Ramphosa.

He said as a country, they have once again witnessed the capabilities of the IEC – in the successful voter registration weekends, in the registration of parties and candidates, in the preparation of ballot papers, in the organisation of overseas voting, and in the diligent application of their electoral laws.

Ramaphosa said he conveyed thanks and best wishes to the IEC commissioners, to the IEC staff and to the thousands of election workers as they deliver on this most important responsibility in the coming days.

“One of the defining features of all our elections since 1994 has been their integrity. This has been made possible not only by the work and conduct of the IEC, but also by the presence of party agents and independent observers.

“The involvement of party agents gives people confidence that there is effective oversight of all aspects of the electoral process. Through the presence of local and international observers we are able to satisfy ourselves that our elections conform not only to our own laws, but also to internationally-accepted standards of freeness and fairness,” he said.

Ramaphosa said they thank all the party agents and the election observers for the work they are doing, and reiterate that they must be allowed to do their work without any hindrance. He said in previous elections, the law enforcement agencies and security services have made extensive preparations to ensure that these elections are peaceful and that all South Africans can freely exercise their right to vote.

“They have been deployed throughout the country to ensure that there are no disturbances or disruptions to the election process. We thank them for their professionalism, their dedication and their vigilance.

“Over the course of the last few months, many different parties and candidates have vigorously and enthusiastically campaigned for votes. While the contestation has been robust and has, at times, become heated, campaigning has been peaceful and free of intimidation,” said Ramaphosa.

He said they commend all parties that have upheld the Electoral Code of Conduct and that have ensured that their supporters adhere to the democratic principles that have long characterised our elections. Ramaphosa said they should all be concerned at reports that came out today about the obstruction of election activities, including unlawful entry at IEC storage sites in KwaZulu-Natal.

“We once again call upon all parties, candidates, supporters and every South African to refrain from any action that could interfere with the due electoral process. Regardless of the outcome, let this election further entrench our democracy and strengthen our commitment to uphold it.

“This election brings to a close the sixth administration of our democracy. When this administration took office in 2019, our country stood at a turning point. We had endured a decade of corruption and state capture, of weak economic growth and the erosion of our public institutions,” he said.


North West roads amongst the worst in the country 


Action SA said the North West roads are amongst the worst in the country. Action SA Team FixSA Member for Infrastructure, Michael Beaumont said the province has nearly 20 000km of road network and yet less than 6000km is tarred. 

Beaumont said that which is tarred, has degraded due to a combination of factors, including insufficient road maintenance and the overuse of heavy vehicles arising from the collapse of the rail network. 

“Our visit inspected the old Soutpan Road between Dikube and Moretele, which had been built in 2002 and received no maintenance. The degradation of the road surface has gone down to the level of the base layer, which will now require total road reconstruction. 

“Further through the programme, Action SA inspected a stretch of road leading to Ga-Habedi that had been graded and gravel laid in 2009. Community members showed Action SA that in every election since 2009 road signs and stones are placed to deceive the community into believing it is about to be tarred, only to be removed again after the elections without any progress,” he said.

He further said of equal concern are the numerous roads in the province, which reveal a failure of the North West Provincial Government to appoint contractors based on their ability to deliver. Beaumont added that numerous examples are evident of road works that were initiated, millions paid, and projects left incomplete. 

“It is evident that the challenges facing the roads backlog in the North West can be addressed. The fact that less than 30% of the North West road network is tarred at this point into our democracy is the true failure of this province. Any government that prioritised the road network and managed public funds appropriately would have much more to show,” he said.

Meanwhile, the acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi said: “The North West Department of Public Works and Roads has re-sealed a total of 91km of surfaced roads across the province in the 2023/24 Financial Year. The monetary value of these projects is in the region of R400 million.

“One of these projects is the Nelson Mandela Drive through Mahikeng linking Mahikeng to Botswana. The project has been completed and the road was opened to traffic today. In addition to the aforementioned interventions, the department through the support of the Provincial Treasury, ring-fenced R40 million to help address road infrastructure backlogs through patching of potholes in municipalities.” 

Maloyi said these municipalities, including Mahikeng where a special campaign was launched by the North West Premier, Bushy Maape to tackle potholes under the theme: “City without Potholes”. He said other municipalities include Ditsobotla, Madibeng, Rustenburg, Naledi, JB Marks and the City of Matlosana. 

“The latter required more attention as it has a vast array of residential areas across the KOSH area. Since the national launch of the Vala Zonke Programme in August 2022, the government has made great strides in dealing with potholes across both provincial and municipal roads. 

“In April 2024 alone, our internal teams patched a total of 901 potholes, while in the 2023/24 financial year, the province patched a total of 34 329 potholes,” said Maloyi.


Two Nigerians nabbed for dealing in drugs 


Two Nigerian nationals aged 42 and 39, were arrested for dealing in drugs near Upington. This comes after the relentless actions of off-duty members of the ZF Mgcawu Highway Patrol, Upington Border Police and Upington K9 unit, who swiftly reacted to a tip-off of an alleged consignment of drugs en-route to Upington on 26 May 2024.

The ZF Mgcawu District police spokesperson, Sergeant Omphile Masegela said this led to the seizure of a huge amount of drugs worth more than R2 million. Masegela said the team operationalised the information and intercepted the silver Hyundai Sonata Sedan on the N10 road, outside Upington. 

“The vehicle was searched and 9315 mandrax tablets with an estimated value of R930150, a 2.012kg of tik with an estimated value of R603 000 and 1.32kg of crack cocaine at an estimated value of R554 000, were found stashed in the vehicle.

“The members confiscated the drugs, the vehicle, an undisclosed amount of cash and cell phones,” she said. 

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, commended the members for going the extra mile in ensuring that drugs were removed from the streets and squeezing the space for drug dealers to operate.


North West govt implement strategic measures to address water shortages


The acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi said there is a plan to ensure that they address water challenges across the province. Maloyi said in Bojanala Platinum District – the Mazista Internal reticulation and installation project in Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality is nearing completion to address water challenges in the area. 

He further said new boreholes are being drilled to augment water provision at Phela village. Maloyi added that the sanitation and water provision projects are currently underway in Mmotla and Mmatlhwela villages in Moretele. 

“This includes the renovation of several boreholes in Ratlou Local Municipality, the refurbishment of Oppi Toppi pump station in Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality and the laying of new pipelines in Senthimole, Ditshoswane and Iraq in Tswaing Local Municipality.

“Similar projects are being rolled out in City of Matlosana Local Municipality through installation and renovation of water tanks in Tigane Extension 6, as well as Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District, where we are installing new boreholes at Kolong village and refurbishing others in Cokonyane village in Greater Taung Local Municipality,” he said.

Maloyi said these projects include water infrastructure projects in Wenztel Dam in Vryburg, Naledi, Tlhabologang in Coligny Water Augmentation and Christiana Sewer Reticulation and Agisanang Bulk Sewer Line. He said all these projects are at different advanced stages with Rooigrond in Mahikeng only awaiting energization by Eskom to start uninterrupted supply of water.

“The provincial government has also distributed 7 228 title deeds during the Thuntsha Lerole Programme, which reflects significant progress in eradicating the title deeds backlog. 

“There are 11701 title deeds available at municipalities to be distributed to the beneficiaries. The municipalities have formulated an operational plan to issue title deeds on a weekly basis,” said Maloyi. 

He said the North West Department of Treasury in collaboration with the North West Cooperative Governance, Traditional Affairs (COGTA) and the Office of the Premier, conducted a series of roadshows providing traditional authorities with the information related to financial transactions effected since 1994 of their respective councils for 29 years.

Maloyi said these roadshows marked a significant step towards fostering transparency, collaboration, and accountability within our traditional communities to address the historical concerns surrounding the transparency of the D-Account, currently under the management of Standard Bank of South Africa.

“Through transparent and collaborative efforts, we are poised to utilize available resources effectively, empower our communities, and build a brighter future for all,” he said.


Maloyi: ‘Significant strides have been made in North West’ 


The acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi said significant strides have been made, since the country’s breakthrough in areas such as provision of water, electricity and housing, as well as education and social security. Maloyi, who addressed the media at Sun City Resort in Rustenburg said as the provincial government, they are not oblivious to the challenges of unemployment and poverty afflicting the communities. 

He further said they have worked around the clock to turn the tide against these challenges to reverse the skewed legacy of the unjust past, which continues to have an adverse impact on the developmental trajectory.

“The end of the 6th administration coincides with the celebration of 30 years of democracy and freedom in our country. In September 2021, the North West Premier, Bushy Maape was elected following which the provincial government introduced Accelerated Service Delivery Programme to expedite the provision of services in municipalities and create jobs. 

“The programme was launched on 16 December 2021 in Tlhabologang Township, in Coligny. In 2023 when Maape became ill, I was appointed to act on his behalf. Together with the North West Province Executive Council, we subsequently decided to give it impetus through visiting municipalities on a weekly basis,” said Maloyi.

He added that this was to strengthen the service delivery interventions, accountability and participatory democracy. Maloyi said it was at this stage that they renamed the programme Accelerated Service Delivery Programme, Thuntsha Lerole.

“Through Phase 1 of the Thuntsha Lerole programme, which we launched on 28 July 2023 in Ipelegeng Township, Schweizer Reneke. We also visited all four districts of the province to address service delivery challenges confronting municipalities through the District Development Model (DDM).

“This was immediately followed by Phase 2, which saw the government visiting all 18 local municipalities to interact with councillors, municipal officials, as well as residents to try and find lasting solutions to various challenges affecting municipalities,” he said.

Maloyi said in February 2024, they implemented Phase 3, where they intensified their interventions through a collaborative effort between various spheres of government. He said the North West Provincial Government through the Executive Council set aside a dedicated budget of R60 million through COGTA to intervene in municipalities through provision of water and sanitation infrastructure.


Illicit cigarettes worth R4.5m confiscated 


In an effort to crackdown on illicit economic activities, a crime intelligence-driven operation by K9 police in Lichtenburg and police in Delareyville, apprehended a Pakistani foreign national (43) for being in possession of illicit cigarettes on 23 May 2024.

The North West police spokesperson, Col Adele Myburgh said a search and seizure warrant was obtained after intelligence was received regarding suspected illicit activity at the suspect’s place in Delareyville. Myburgh said during the search, the police discovered illicit cigarettes with an estimated street value of R4.5 million in a store room. 

“The suspect was immediately arrested and is expected to appear before the Delareyville Magistrate’s Court on 27 May 2024,” she said.

Meanwhile, the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, expressed his gratitude to all members involved in the operation for their hard work and cooperation that led to the arrest.


Two suspects nabbed for allegedly selling explosives  


Two suspects were arrested for allegedly selling explosives during Operation Vala Umgodi on 24 May 2024. The North West police spokesperson, Col Adele Myburgh said the police received a tip-off about the alleged explosives being sold on the R556 Road, close to Segwaelane village in Mooinooi. 

Myburgh said the information was operationalised by a team from Johannesburg Tactical Response Team (TRT) to Mooinooi. She further said two suspects aged 35 and 53 were arrested after detonating cord and detonators were found in their possession. 

“They will appear before the Brits Magistrate’s Court on 27 May 2024, for illegal possession and supply of explosives,” added Myburgh.


North West MEC for Education, Viola Motsumi conducts oversight visit at Chaneng Primary School 


The North West MEC for Education, Viola Motsumi handed over Ramochana Primary School and conducted an oversight visit at Chaneng Primary during the Thuntsa Lerole Accelerated Service Delivery Program on Friday. Motsumi said this is a significant milestone for education in the province. 

“The Ramochana Primary School was constructed to address the severe overcrowding at Paardekraal Primary School. The new school boasts a comprehensive range of facilities, including an administration block, three Grade R classrooms with a capacity of 105 learners, a dedicated play area, classrooms for Grades 1-7 accommodating up to 840 learners, a computer room, a science lab, and an NSNP (kitchen and dining hall). 

“Currently, the school has an enrolment of 1,745 learners and is staffed by 45 dedicated educators and support personnel. We express our gratitude and commitment to the continued development of educational facilities in the region,” she said.

Motsumi further said the handover of Ramochana Primary School is a testament to the government’s dedication to providing quality education and infrastructure for the children. She added that this facility will not only alleviate overcrowding, but also provide a conducive learning environment that will foster academic excellence. 

“These activities mark a pivotal achievement as the 6th administration draws closer and we are committed to ensuring that every child in our province has access to quality education and the necessary resources to succeed beyond the 6th administration. 

“The event also included an oversight visit to Chaneng Primary School in Chaneng village, where the department is currently undertaking construction and renovations. The project, which is 85% complete, will provide additional classrooms and improve existing facilities for the 480 learners enrolled there,” said Motsumi.

She said the construction includes six new ordinary classrooms, two Grade R classrooms with a separate fenced play area, a new NSNP facility, a new guard house, and the refurbishment of existing face brick classrooms, administrative block, toilet facilities, change rooms, and combi courts.

“Additionally, I had an opportunity to attend the SASCE District Music competitions at Platinum Village Primary School, where 42 schools are participating. The three-day choir festival features various categories, including special schools, sextet, boys choir, Grades 5-7 (Western and African), Social Ills, Jingles, and Folklore, among others.

“The handover and the ongoing projects underscore the provincial government’s dedication to improving educational infrastructure and fostering an environment where learners can thrive both academically and culturally,” said Motsumi.


 A man arrested for being in possession of illegal firearms, ammunition and explosives  


A 55-YEAR-OLD man arrested for illegal possession of firearms, possession of ammunition, possession of explosives and illegal manufacturing of explosives, briefly appeared at the Garies Magistrate’s Court on 23 May 2024. In February 2020, a pointing out was conducted by the Springbok Visible Policing to recover a firearm that was used in illegal hunting at the Nature Reserve and was hidden at Kallabaskop Farm, which is opposite to the Nature Reserve. 

The Hawks spokesperson in Northern Cape, Warrant Officer Nomthanddazo Mnisi said, whilst searching for the firearm, the police allegedly came across other firearms, ammunition and explosive materials, which were confiscated but no one was arrested. Mnisi said a case docket was opened at Springbok Police Station and later transferred to the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation for further investigation.

“After an intensive investigation by members, a decision was made by the Director of Public Prosecutor to prosecute Andre Freyer as the sole owner of the farm. A warrant of arrest was obtained and executed against him by Upington Serious Organised Crime Investigation team on 22 May 2024. 

“Freyer was granted a R1000 bail and the case was postponed to 27 June 2024 for it to be transferred to the Garies Regional Court,” she said.


A man sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for raping his girlfriend 


A man (22) sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by the Upington Regional Court for raping his girlfriend (31). On 29 July 2022, the victim was at home when the accused, Frans November, arrived and allegedly started to assault her. 

The ZF Mgcawu District police spokesperson, Sergeant Omphile Masegela said November dragged her into the room, where he undressed and raped her. Masegela said he also accused her of sleeping with other men.

“The victim sustained serious injuries, which she reported to the police in Upington. A docket of Assault GBH and Rape was registered. The accused was detained. November was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment on each of the two counts of Rape and 12 months for Assault GBH,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Zukiswa Otola, lauded the excellent investigation by D/Constable Monica Larekwang of Upington Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offences. Otola said the police will continuously fight the scourge of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) in the community and make every effort to create a safer environment for women and children.
