Shop owner warned for selling counterfeit clothes  


The shop owner who was suspected of selling counterfeit clothing was given a notice by the brand holders. This comes after counterfeit clothes worth R414 700 were seized by the police. 

The ZF Mgcawu District police spokesperson, Sgt Omphile Masegela said the items seized were handed over to the brand holders for further investigation. Masegela said continuous actions by the police as part of Operation Shanela activities are dealing with crime decisively. 

“The police of Upington Border Police and Upington K9 Unit, raided a shop in Upington in conjunction with the brand holders represented by Spoor and Fischer on 24 May 2024.

“Meanwhile, in the early morning hours, the police from Upington Public Order Policing (POP) unit, were conducting crime prevention patrols when they spotted a suspicious looking man (23) in Upington CBD and stopped to search him,” she said. 

Masegela further said the suspect was found to be in possession of mandrax to the estimated value of R45 000 and an amount of cash. She added that the suspect was arrested for dealing in drugs.

“On other operations, police continue to remove drugs from the streets. The police in Rietfontein confiscated madrax tablets and arrested a suspect (33) for dealing in drugs. All suspects will appear in court soon,” she said.

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