‘EFF aims to take over North West province’


The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) said it is adamant that it will take over the North West province after 29 May 2024. This was highlighted by the EFF leader, Julius Malema, who visited the province on Thursday last week. 

Malema was interfacing with the community in Mahikeng as part of his electioneering ahead of the much anticipated General National Elections (GNE), that will take place on 29 May 2024. He said his party will strengthen the government’s ability to deliver on millennium development goals, particularly in ending poverty. 

“Among other things, we will ensure that there is provision of quality healthcare, social security services and the procurement of tenders will be duly awarded. As EFF, we will also ensure that our people get conducive RDP houses, address unemployment, there is water provision, use of state land and build recreational facilities.

“On health matters, we will ensure that all healthcare facilities operate 24-hours. We understand there is inadequacy of health professionals, equipment and medical supplies, as well as medicines. Also, the behaviour of some of the healthcare professionals is appalling,” he said.

Malema further said the situation in the North West is deteriorating as many people continue to live in squalor under the ANC-led government. He added that there is a high rate of unemployment, especially amongst the youth. 

“Young people were supposed to be in various factories, in universities or running their own businesses. However, we all know that job opportunities available are reserved for ANC cronies. People are being employed in corners and honestly, Mahikeng is rotten to the core. Some ANC councillors allegedly demand sex in exchange for jobs.

“There is widespread corruption and the residents should bear the brunt. There is no service delivery and there are no accessible roads in the North West. It is evident because the 4km Mandela Drive road construction project takes years to be completed,” said Malema.

He alleged that the acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi, left RDP housing projects incomplete all over the province. Malema said Maloyi has allegedly failed dismally to run his portfolio, but some people believe that he could run the whole province. 

“Maloyi does not have capacity. His biggest business that he had ever run, was to operate a shebeen. We cannot have a premier who is a drunkard. We need somebody who will work for the North West province. We want free education for everyone and learners should be taught by qualified educators.

“We should compete with white counterparts and we want all our young people to go to the universities and access free education. We also do not want the NSFAS program and the money needs to be paid directly into the universities’ accounts,” said Malema. 

He said if people vote for EFF, they will ensure that all learners get a free uniform and free education. Malema said prisoners in South Africa get free uniforms and there should be no child who should be denied access based on their parent’s financial backgrounds. 

“We want NSFAS allowance to be paid directly into their accounts. We must take care of our children. In South Africa, if you want a free uniform, one must be a criminal. However, it should be the other way round, because these children choose education over criminality.

“Prisoners are treated well in the South, but under the EFF government, prisoners will only be allocated uniform when they arrive at the correctional services facilities. Whether one serves 25 years or 10 years, it does not matter,” said Malema. 

According to Malema, most people live beyond the poverty line, while prisoners have free food, electricity and there is no load-shedding. He said for 30 years, South Africans have not been given the land back. 

“The white people own 87% of the land even though they make less than 10% of the population. Today, 18.6 million people live in extreme poverty. There are 38.8 million out of 66 million, who live through poverty. 

“What are you going to do about it? We will increase the social grants and ensure that we never allow our children to go through what we went through. This will also assist young girl children to stop sleeping with sugar daddies to fund their lifestyles,” he said.


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