A man sentenced to life imprisonment for raping a mentally challenged woman



A man who raped a mentally challenged woman and stole her money, has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Springbok Regional Court. Fenandes Damon (38) raped a woman (42) Komaggas in 2020. 

Damon and the victim, were walking home from a local liquor outlet, but he diverted her to an unknown rocky area in Komaggas, were he raped and stole her money. 

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Timothy Sam said: “The victim reported the occurrence to the police. Damon was sentenced to life imprisonment for one count of rape and 12 months imprisonment for theft. 

“The court instructed that his name be recorded in the National Register for Sex Offenders and declared him unfit to possess a firearm.”

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, welcomed the life imprisonment sentence handed down to Damon. Otola also applauded the Investigating Officer, Detective Constable MD Cloete from the Springbok Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS), for the thorough investigative work and ensuring that justice is served for mentally challenged victims of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF). 


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