The desecration of SA flag by DA is a deliberate attempt to urinate at the gains of democracy  



The ANCYL spokesperson in North West, Tshepo Mohlomi, who wrote in his personal capacity said, the political advertisement of the Democratic Alliance (DA), by burning a South African flag, bothers on national unity, reconciliation and building of a united democratic, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa.

Mhlomi said many scholars have argued that a flag is a symbol of national pride. He further said they advance arguments that it is the foundation of any country. 

He added that, as Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S. Supreme Court has said, “A country’s flag is a symbol of more than a nationhood and national unity,”. 

It also signifies the ideas that characterise the society that has chosen that emblem, as well as the special history that has animated the growth and power of those ideas in war-stricken countries during coups d’état. 

“Forces of regime change will relentlessly after defeating the government of the day, lower down the flag and put up a new one as a sign that the government of the day is overthrown,” said Mohlomi.

He added that, what became more interesting is the fact that there are many things that can be changed but these dictators would rush to change the flag, the question is why? Mohlomi said the DA knows the importance of a flag and what it represents.

“They also know why nations protect the flags so much. So, their advert is not a coincidence or a mistake. It is a deliberate attempt to urinate at the gains of democracy. To show a middle finger to the government and the people of South Africa. 

“In the apartheid era, desecration of a flag was illegal and sanctions were a fine or imprisonment. Surely, we should explicitly promulgate legislation on the flag desecration in South Africa,” he said.

Mohlomi said the Southern African Vexillological Association prescribes in the flag regulations ways in which flags must be treated. He said it further states disposal.

“When no longer in fit condition to be used. A flag should be disposed of in a dignified manner. Could the illustration of a banning flag mean that the DA feels that the flag’s time has expired? 

“Does this mean the DA doesn’t respect the flag? Or what could be lessons to be drawn from this treachery?” he said. 

Meanwhile, the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa, shared the sentiments. Kodwa said they condemn in the strongest terms the political advertisement by the DA, which shows the burning of the South African flag.

Kodwa said: “On a night in which we celebrated 30 years of sporting excellence at the South African Sport Awards (SASA) with athletes who have raised our flag high, the DA decided to offend and insult the nation by showing a political advertisement depicting the burning of our national flag.

“The South African flag represents our nationhood. It represents the coming together of our people. The South African flag symbolises unity in our diversity and represents the hopes and aspirations of our nation,” he said. 

Kodwa said as a custodian of all national symbols, which include the South African flag, he strongly condemns the DA’s advertisement, which depicts the burning of the South African flag. He said this offends all South Africans who proudly raise our country’s flag sky high and appreciate its representation as the flag of a free, democratic and non-racial nation. 

“I shudder to think what other South African compatriots such as Hellen Suzman, Zack de Beer, and Van Zyl Slabbert, would say about this act of desperation and recklessness demonstrated by the current historical and unpatriotic leaders of DA,” said Kodwa.