‘EPWP jobs only reserved for ANC card-carrying members’ 


Forum 4 Service Delivery (F4SD) in North West alleged that the ANC is utilising the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) program for the voting campaign. This comes after an outcry that some individuals across villages in North West, were unduly appointed for EPWP program. 

F4SD spokesperson, Khumo Pule said they express a deep concern regarding the reported utilization of the EPWP for political campaigning purposes by the ANC. Pule said the EPWP was established with the noble objective of addressing unemployment and poverty in South Africa by providing short-to-medium term employment opportunities, through the implementation of various projects. 

“However, recent events have shown that the ANC has been using EPWP projects as a tool for advancing its political agenda, particularly in the context of the upcoming 2024 Provincial and National elections.

“While political parties have the right to engage in campaigning activities, it is essential that such activities are conducted within the bounds of ethical and legal frameworks,” he said.

Pule further said exploiting government-funded programs like the EPWP for one sided purposes, undermines the integrity of the program and raises serious questions about the fairness of the electoral process. He said as F4SD, they call upon all political parties, including the ANC to uphold the principles of good governance, transparency and accountability. 

“Furthermore, we have written a letter to the Office of the Public Protector to investigate these allegations thoroughly and take appropriate action to ensure that public resources are not misused for political gain. We are very disappointed that, above all, only ANC card-carrying members were recruited into this province. 

“As such citizens and stakeholders in the democratic process, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and hold our leaders accountable for their actions. 

“We must safeguard the integrity of our democratic institutions and strive to create a political environment characterized by fairness, equality, and respect for the rule of law,” he said.

Meanwhile, the North West Department of Public Works and Roads spokesperson, Learto Gambu has not responded to Taung DailyNews questions regarding these wide-spread allegations. The response will be incorporated in the article when received.
