Two suspects nabbed for residential burglary 


Two suspects aged 25 and 28, were arrested for burglary residential and business burglary, respectively. This comes after employees at a local coffee shop in Prieska allegedly reported for work on 16 May 2024, and noticed that the cash register and money had been stolen. 

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Colonel Cherelle Ehlers said, upon further inspection, they allegedly found that a window had been broken.

“On 17 May 2024, the members from the Prieska Crime Prevention Unit, embarked on a tracing operation. Both suspects were traced and arrested, and the stolen goods were recovered. 

“In a separate incident, the complainant allegedly returned home after leaving his home locked and secure. He allegedly discovered that the door had been forced open and several items were missing, including a flat screen television, laptop, and groceries,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, commended the police for their swift action and continued efforts towards policing property related crimes.