Two pensioners who were arrested for killing elderly man, died while in detention


One of the elderly accused, who was arrested for allegedly killing another elderly man (80) at an Old-Age Home in Brits, died while in detention. Daniel Madumo (92) and Jeremia Mmatli (75), were arrested for allegedly killing another elderly man, Thema Motsepe (80). 

The North West police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Amanda Funani said briefly appeared at Brits Magistrate’s Court on 7 June 2024 and was remanded in custody until 14 June 2024, for continuation of bail application.

“Motsepe and the accused persons were allegedly staying at an Old Age Home when a fight ensued between them. The fight ensued at around 4am on 30 May 2024. The victim was in the bathroom when he met Madumo and Mmatli, who were on their way to the bathroom. 

“The victim allegedly bumped one of the accused, who allegedly retaliated by hitting him with his crutches. The accused’s companion apparently joined his friend and they both assaulted the victim,” she said. 

Funani further said the owner of the Old Age Home was notified and the police were summoned. She added that the victim, who sustained head injuries, was transported to hospital by an ambulance, but was certified dead on arrival. 

Meanwhile, the Department of Correctional Services spokesperson, Singabakho Nxumalo said Madumo and Mmatli, who were facing a murder case, died. Nxumalo said the accused were both admitted at Kgosi Mampuru II Correctional Centre on 3 June 2024. 

“Madumo had to be transferred to an outside hospital on 22 June 2024 due to health complications and sadly passed away on 24 June 2024. Mmatli departed on 20 June 2024. With both accused now deceased, the court shall provide direction on what is to happen in the court case,” he said.

Two elderly men who are accused of murder remanded in custody 


Two elderly men aged 75 and 92 arrested for allegedly killing another elderly man, Thema Motsepe (80), briefly appeared at Brits Magistrate’s Court on 7 June 2024. Jeremiah Mmatli (75) and Daniel Madumo (92), were remanded in custody until 14 June 2024, for continuation of bail application.

The North West police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Amanda Funani said Motsepe and the accused, Madumo and Mmatli, allegedly stayed at an old age home together and a fight ensued between them at around 4am on 30 May 2024. Funani said the victim was from the bathroom when he met with the suspects, who were on their way to the bathroom. 

“The victim allegedly bumped one of the suspects, who allegedly retaliated by hitting him with his crutches. The suspect’s companion apparently joined his friend and they both assaulted the victim. The owner of the old age was notified and the police were summoned,” she said. 

Funani further said the victim, who sustained head injuries, was transported to hospital by an ambulance, but was certified dead on arrival. 

The North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, expressed his shock and conveyed his condolences to the family of the victim.

Meanwhile, the Convenor of Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM), Pastor Lesiba Kgwele said: “As civil society led organization promoting the Charter of Positive Values and Ubuntu, we describe the incident that has sent shock waves across rural and urban communities as outrageous. 

“We are extremely concerned at the level of intolerance and extreme violent behaviour that suggests possible bullying among the most vulnerable in our society who were collectively admitted at the facility to guarantee their safety and wellbeing.” 

Kgwele added that peaceful co-existence was supposed to characterise the environment at the old age home.

“While we are confident that the law will take its course, we urge authorities to get to the bottom of the matter and ensure that counselling and psycho-social support services are offered to the rest of the residents at the old age home and staff. 

“The family of the deceased will find closure knowing that justice has been served, that there was full accountability and that the facility had done everything to safeguard the safety of their loved one,” said Kgwele.