Investigating Directorate refutes “imminent arrest” of ANC Chairperson, Gwede Mantashe allegations


The Investigating Directorate (ID) has refuted allegations that it will charge the ANC bigwig, Gwede Mantashe. This comes after the Sunday World newspaper article alleging that Mantashe’s arrest is imminet.

The Investigating Directorate spokesperson, Henry Mamothame said the in normal circumstances, the ID does not comment on its investigations, it is important that a misstatement attributed to its office be corrected.

“The ID has not decided nor discussed “the imminent arrest” of Mantashe. It is unclear where these comments come from, but they are not from the ID.

“The ID will continue to do its work without fear, favour or prejudice and should be given the space to do so without any unnecessary and unwarranted speculations,” he said.