North West Council on AIDS congratulates new EXCO 


The Chairperson of North West Council on Aids, Neo Moepi said they are looking forward to working efficiently with the newly-elected North West Premier, Lazarus Mokgosi and the North West MEC for Health, Sello Lehari. 

Moepi said they intend to work closely with the 7th administration to advance the social and health needs of the People Living with HIV, as well as those of the society at large. He further said they would like to encourage them to be active members and participants in the AIDS Council. 

He added that the AIDS response needs all leaders beyond political affiliation, race and colour as the face of HIV and AIDS knows no boundaries. 

“We would like to take this opportunity to welcome and send well-wishes to both Mokgosi and Lehari. The two leaders are critical for the well-functioning of the Provincial Council on AIDS. 

“Mokgosi in particular is the Chairperson of the Council and the PCA believes that he will use his term to steer the Council in the right direction by uniting civil society and all the stakeholders behind the fight against HIV and AIDS,” said Moepi. 

He said at the same time, the PCA took this opportunity to thank the outgoing Chairperson in the form of former North West Premier, Bushy Maape and former acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi for their role in rebuilding the Provincial Council on AIDS. 

He said the former North West MEC for Health, Madoda Sambatha is equally acknowledged and appreciated for his sterling work particularly in the early stages of re-establishing the PCA. 

“During their term, they assisted the province to successfully re-establish and formally launch the PCA structures, which was led by the Deputy President on 1 December 2019. 

“They also ensured the appointment of the PCA Head of Secretariat paving way for more critical appointments to ensure the sustainability of the Council. The PCA is now looking to the new Premier and MEC to provide leadership and continue to build and strengthen the Council,” said Moepi. 

He said most importantly, the support of the new leadership is critical in ensuring that the province implements the 95-95-95 strategy to address HIV and TB targets in line with UNAIDS. Moepi said these targets seek to ensure that 95% of the people living with HIV in the province know their HIV status. 

“Another 95% of those that are HIV positive are initiated and retained on care, while the last 95% target seeks to ensure viral suppression of HIV positive clients who are initiated on treatment.

“The PCA also calls the two leaders to rally behind implementation of the broader National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2023-2028, which seeks all of us to engage multi-sectoral approaches to reduce the barriers and enhance access to equitable HIV, TB and STI prevention and treatment services,” he said.

Spiking on N4 road in North West a concern 


The North West MEC for Community Safety and Transport Management, Sello Lehari, will address the incessant and unceasing spiking challenges experienced mainly on N4 road. Lehari will also launch the new uniform for the elite unit, The Eagles

Lehari spokesperson, Tshegofatso Mothibedi said: “The uniform, which is different from that of the Provincial Traffic Officers’ attire, represents an identification of The Eagles

The Eagles is a specialised unit that consists of 60 members. It was established in 2023 to operate on a 24-hour basis on arterial routes, including the N4, N12, N18 and N14 consists of 60 members. 

“The activity will form part of the Provincial Government’s Accelerated Service Delivery Programme, Thuntsha Lerole, which will be held in Matlosana. The event will commence on N12 road in Klerksdorp on 10 May 2024 at 9am,” he said.

North West traffic officers to receive new uniform


The North MEC for Community Safety and Transport Management, Sello Lehari, will be leading the distribution of the traffic uniform for all officers. The North West Department of Community Safety and Transport Management spokesperson, Lucas Mothibedi said the event will be preceded by a joint law enforcement operation at the Lehurutshe Traffic Station at 11am. 

“There will be an opportunity for one-on-one interviews after each event,” said Mothibedi.