North West Public Works and Roads to address the residents’ plight  


The residents of Vaaltyn in Taung, said they have not seen drastic changes in their area since 1994. They alleged that the ANC-led government is so deceptive and does not care about them. 

One of the irked residents, Keboneilwe Mampe (63), said they embarked on a service delivery protest demanding amongst others, a tarred 10km road that links their area with R372 road between Taung and Reivilo. Mampe alleged that they have been living on a subsistence level compared to other areas, but the government does not care. 

“It is unacceptable to see people still living under inhumane conditions. What is startling is that service delivery can never locate us, but come election time, you will see IEC officials all over. 

“We have a challenge regarding our road, which links us to the main road. The road is inaccessible and it has been a mammoth task to get the attention of the North West Department of Public Works and Roads in order for them to construct a tarred road for us,” she said. 

Mampe further said the department cannot even do the rehabilitation and maintenance of the road, despite their clarion call. She added that what is sad is that, during the rainy season, the road is completely inaccessible and their plea has fallen in deaf ears.  

Another resident, Edwin Motshidi, shared the same sentiments. Motshidi said the road is more slippery, especially during the rainy season and that makes it more dangerous. 

“Remember, driving on a wet mud road is a risky business, especially during the rainy season. This is because the wet road conditions can make driving unsafe and lead to accidents, injuries and even death. 

“We urge the North West Department of Public Works and Roads to hear our plea. Indeed, Vaaltyn is a forgotten area, but come elections, you will see many activities taking place in the same area,” he said. 

Meanwhile, the North West Public Works and Roads spokesperson, Lerato Gambu said: “Yes, we are aware of the community’ service delivery protest that unfolded yesterday. However, the executive mayor of the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality, Motseokae Maje, accompanied by the District Director of Public Works and Roads, met with the community. 

“So, from what we have gathered, the community demands re-gravelling of the road and plans have been discussed with the Head of Department (HOD), Moses Ikgopoleng Kgantsi, to respond to the plight of the community. Due to the discussion ensued, the department is looking at the budget review process in order to deal with the project.” 

Gambu further said this issue is likely to be addressed by September 2024. He added that they will visit the community to go and update them about any developments.