A teacher at Sediba Thuto Primary School in Magogong under siege for ‘beating’ a learner


The North West Department said they condemn the incident at Sediba Thuto Primary School in Magogong village, near Taung, where a Grade 7 learner was allegedly assaulted by a teacher. It is alleged that, a learner did not do his homework and the teacher resorted to corporal punishment, resulting in leaving a learner with a swollen finger. 

The North West Department of Education spokesperson, Mphata Molokwane said it is totally illegal and thus criminal to administer corporal punishment to a learner or any person. Molokwane further said South African Schools Act (SASA), has abolished corporal punishment in 1996. 

“The department has received this disturbing information on Friday. Labour Relations officers have visited the school to conduct a preliminary investigation. Following that, the teacher who practised corporal punishment on a Grade 7 learner, will face disciplinary action. 

“As department, we denounce these atrocities because we believe that no human being should be tortured in this manner,” he added.

The chairperson of the School Governing Body (SGB) at Sediba Thuto Primary School, Granny Kgachane said they are aware of the incident. Kgachane said they condemn the incident as corporal punishment has long been abolished. 

“After the incident, we had a meeting with the school management, where we raised our concerns. We advised that this matter be reported to the North West Department of Education at the District level,” she said.

Meanwhile, the COSAS national coordinator, Sello Matlhadisa said: “There is nothing above the law, including corporal punishment. So, any corporal punishment practice will not be tolerated. 

“This is something that is illegal and out of order. We agree that we are living in an era, where learners are becoming ill-disciplined. However, the disciplinary measures in schools should go hand-in-hand with academics.” 

Matlhadisa said for example, if a learner makes noise in the class, while the educator is teaching, let that learner come forward and present a topic in front of other learners. He said they know that some of these learners are afraid to come and present in front of other learners, so they will be afraid to make noise instead. 

“These are the things that should be implemented and assist learners to grow. We cannot resolve issues through violence. Most teachers leave their homes after quarreling with their husbands or wives, and going to school carrying the burden. 

“Now, they sometimes take out that anger on learners. Those teachers who are faced with any challenges, should go and see the nearest social workers to clear their minds,” he said.
