Suspended Municipal Manager at Mamusa Local Municipality, Rantsho Gincane faces disciplinary hearing 


The embattled Municipal Manager at Mamusa Local Municipality, Rantsho Gincane set to face disciplinary hearing. The municipality said in a statement that the decision to haul Gincane to the disciplinary hearing was taken during a special council meeting on 20 June 2024. 

The Mamusa Local Municipality mayor, Seitebaleng Chelechele said: “In its special sitting, the council resolved to institute a disciplinary hearing against Gincane. He remains suspended until completion of his disciplinary hearing. 

“The above council resolution is a consequence of a report that was tabled before the council on the matter against Gincane. The council further resolved to appoint Advocate Lucky Tutubalang as the acting Director for Corporate Services until 28 June 2024.” 

Chelechele further said the temporary appointment of Tutubalang comes after the absence of Director, Joel Makade, who is on leave until 28 June 2024. 

Meanwhile, Gincane who was suspended for allegedly convening unlawful council meeting, told The Citizen newspaper that he has written a letter to the Head of the Department (HOD) of the North West Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Ben Bole, asking him to reverse their unlawful removal.

In the letter, Gincane alleged that Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Vincent Masilo, who is acting in his place, lacked experience and relevant qualifications, but he was pliable and would accede to unlawful decisions of the council.

After Gincane’s suspension, the council authorised the appointment of lawyers to defend its allegedly unlawful resolutions.