North West Premier, Lazarus Mokgosi to lead Provincial Youth Commemoration


North West Premier, Lazarus Kagiso Mokgosi, accompanied by the MEC for Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation, Collen Maine, and members of the Executive Council, will lead the Provincial Youth Day Commemoration to conclude Youth Month activities in the province.

The North West Provincial Government (NWPG) spokesperson, Brian Setswambung said Mokgosi recently maintained that the creation of socio-economic opportunities for youth will top the agenda of the 7th administration.

“This will among others be done through the roll-out of the Labour Activation Programme, which will be coordinated by the Office of the Premier, in partnership with Department of Labour and Employment, business, employer organisations and other social partners.

“The programme is expected to create over 30 000 work opportunities for young people. Following his address, Mokgosi will officially open the Redirile Community Library,” he said.

Setswambung said some of the services available at the library includes internet connection, collection of various categories of books for youth and adults, as well as a section of the library for visually impaired persons such as Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA).

He further said the provincial government departments will be onsite to render services to members of the public in an effort to promote a one stop shop for government information and services.

Setswambung added that the Provincial Youth Commemoration will be held Redirile Sports Ground in Derby on Saturday, at 8am.

North West Premier, Bushy Maape engages South African embassy in Thailand inquest to lure investors


North West Premier, Bushy Maape, who is seeking medical treatment in Thailand, paid a courtesy visit to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa in Thailand, Darkey Ephraim Africa. Despite his tight medical programme, Maape made time to visit the South African Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand to explore opportunities for the province.

Maape spokesperson, Sello Tati said during the meeting, both Maape and Africa, discussed a wide rage of issues, more specifically the economic challenges of the North West province and its impact on the youth.

“They agreed on the need to identify trade and investment opportunities in Thailand for the province. They further agreed on the need to invite investors from Thailand in the areas of agriculture, infrastructure automotive, renewable energy and tourism.

“On his part, Africa acknowledged Maape’s desire to mobilise trade and investment for his province. He requested the South African Embassy to invite various agencies such as North West Development Corporation (NWDC), the North West Housing Corporation (NWHC) and other business people to Thailand to further explore opportunities in trade and investment following his engagement with Africa,” he said.

Tatai further said Africa and the Political Counsellor, Thobeka Dlamini, assured Maape that, the Embassy will invite the province at the appropriate time for engagement. He added that, Maape accompanied by the Africa also met with Ravi Puri, a prominent businessman in real estate and hospitality to explore other opportunities in real estate.

“Maape will depart Bangkok after completion of his medical engagement,” said Tatai.