Maloyi: ‘Significant strides have been made in North West’ 


The acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi said significant strides have been made, since the country’s breakthrough in areas such as provision of water, electricity and housing, as well as education and social security. Maloyi, who addressed the media at Sun City Resort in Rustenburg said as the provincial government, they are not oblivious to the challenges of unemployment and poverty afflicting the communities. 

He further said they have worked around the clock to turn the tide against these challenges to reverse the skewed legacy of the unjust past, which continues to have an adverse impact on the developmental trajectory.

“The end of the 6th administration coincides with the celebration of 30 years of democracy and freedom in our country. In September 2021, the North West Premier, Bushy Maape was elected following which the provincial government introduced Accelerated Service Delivery Programme to expedite the provision of services in municipalities and create jobs. 

“The programme was launched on 16 December 2021 in Tlhabologang Township, in Coligny. In 2023 when Maape became ill, I was appointed to act on his behalf. Together with the North West Province Executive Council, we subsequently decided to give it impetus through visiting municipalities on a weekly basis,” said Maloyi.

He added that this was to strengthen the service delivery interventions, accountability and participatory democracy. Maloyi said it was at this stage that they renamed the programme Accelerated Service Delivery Programme, Thuntsha Lerole.

“Through Phase 1 of the Thuntsha Lerole programme, which we launched on 28 July 2023 in Ipelegeng Township, Schweizer Reneke. We also visited all four districts of the province to address service delivery challenges confronting municipalities through the District Development Model (DDM).

“This was immediately followed by Phase 2, which saw the government visiting all 18 local municipalities to interact with councillors, municipal officials, as well as residents to try and find lasting solutions to various challenges affecting municipalities,” he said.

Maloyi said in February 2024, they implemented Phase 3, where they intensified their interventions through a collaborative effort between various spheres of government. He said the North West Provincial Government through the Executive Council set aside a dedicated budget of R60 million through COGTA to intervene in municipalities through provision of water and sanitation infrastructure.