Matolong man nabbed for allegedly assaulting his mother, MRM calls for a harsher sentence



The Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM) in the North West said it is disappointed by the despicable and shameful act of a man (41) in Matolong village, near Taung who allegedly assaulted his own mother (73). MRM Provincial Interim Committee Convener, Pastor Lesiba Kgwele, commended the police for the culprit’s swift arrest.

Kgwele said this comes after the elderly son allegedly defied a protection order that his mother had earlier successfully applied against him.

“We are confident that the criminal justice system will send an unequivocal message that there is no place in our society for those who abuse and commit such atrocious acts against the most vulnerable in our society being the elderly and women. 

“Abuse of parents by their children is a sign of moral decay. So, we call on our communities to unite in action to reclaim Ubuntu as well as lost family and community values. The courageous step undertaken by the assaulted mother had demonstrated that the elderly do not have to suffer in silence,” he said. 

Kgwele further said the programme for the relaunch of MRM structures in districts and municipalities across the province, which was suspended due to the national and provincial elections and focus on promoting the Charter of Elections Ethics, will soon be expedited.

He added that this will ensure that intervention programmes targeted at the most vulnerable are implemented full steam in partnership with government, traditional leaders, churches and other civil society organisations. 

The North West police spokesperson, Col Adele Myburgh said: “The suspect has also been charged for contravention of a Protection Order under the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998). It is alleged that, on 2 May 2024, the suspect allegedly came home and assaulted his mother. 

“He was arrested on 3 May 2024, shortly after the incident was reported to the police.  He will appear before the Taung Magistrate’s Court on Monday.” 

Meanwhile, the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, said it is sad that an elderly mother was allegedly attacked by her own son, who is supposed to protect her. Kwena condemned the incident in the strongest possible terms and said police will continue to protect the most vulnerable and bring the alleged perpetrators to book.