Families encouraged to vaccinate against preventable diseases


The Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla together with the North West MEC for Health, Madoda Sambatha will on Tuesday, lead the African Vaccination Week (AVW) commemorative event at Itsoseng Sports ground in Hebron Village. 

The National Department of Health spokesperson, Foster Mohale said, this is a pivotal occasion to mark the 50thanniversary of Expanded Programme of Immunisation (EPI). Mohale said this includes its impact on saving lives and catalyzing renewed efforts to strengthen routine immunisation initiatives to prevent avoidable child deaths from childhood diseases.

“The African Vaccination Week is observed annually in the African Region to increase awareness of the importance of every person’s need and right (particularly every child and woman) to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases. 

“The campaign also aims at keeping immunisation high on the national and regional agendas through advocacy and partnerships. The 2024 campaign will be commemorated under the theme: “The Big Catch Up! Vaccinated Population – Healthy Population,” which highlights the value of immunisation in preventing infectious vaccine-preventable diseases and safeguarding the health of communities.

“The commemoration also coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) campaign launched in 2014 to vaccinate young girls at the age of 9 years to prevent cervical cancer,” he said. 

Mohale further said cervical cancer is the second most common cancer after breast cancer. He added that breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in South Africa.

“The government has administered over 6 million doses of life-saving vaccines amongst young girls, since April 2014 to date. Phaahla and Sambatha, will be joined by local government and traditional leaders, representatives from stakeholders in the sector. 

“The UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO) and civil society organisations promoting access to treatment and vaccines to improve health status through the prevention of diseases and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, will also be part,” said Mohale.
