North West Premier, Lazarus Mokgosi urges his EXCO to familarise itself with PFMA


The North West Premier, Lazarus Mokgosi urged his Members of Executive Council (MECs) to familarise themselves with Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (PFMA; Act No. 1 of 1999), which is the primary public finance management law in South Africa. 

Mokgosi said it delineates standards expenditure, accounting, and reporting for public entities and this will assist them to make informed decisions. He further said the PFMA is a piece of framework legislation and its implementation is governed by regulations and directives produced by the National Treasury. 

“We need to adhere to this to make informed decisions. This will ensure a seamless take over and functioning of the provincial government. In order to do so, I want them to note that all these reports come from individual departments. 

“Please, read them and understand all the acts. Our government is highly regulated and our instructions should be informed by legislation. All documents provide performance reports for all provincial departments, including immediate tasks that need their attention,” said Mokgosi. 

He added that amongst the reports, there are 30-year Plan Review Report, Draft Reports for 2023/24, Annual Financial Reports (AFRs), Auditor-General Reports, and Progress Reports. 

Mokgosi said they also have an Outstanding Reports of Public Service Commission (PSC), Outstanding Reports from SIU, the Hawks and Public Protector. 

“They should read them because I am going to have one-on-one engagement with them regarding implementation processes. I would also like to make a special request that our office provide me with an oath that I have signed. 

“I want to put it on a notice board in my office. This will remind me every time when I sign or utter words to remember what I have signed for. So, I hope all MECs will do that,” he said.  

Mokgosi also urged his MECs to work diligently and with sincere gratitude. He said this marks the beginning of a new chapter as they usher the new EXCO of the 7th administration.

“This is a culmination of a broader consultative process with various stakeholders and in particular the governing party and its alliance partners. 

“During these consultative meetings, we have all agreed that provisional services in our different municipalities and with our provincial government will be prioritized and expedited to address the high level of unemployment and poverty in our communities,” he said. 

Mokgosi said the people of this province want a government that can work for them and find lasting solutions to various socio-economic challenges confronting them on a daily basis. He said this clarion call is further given impetus by President Cyril Ramaphosa’s remark during his inauguration. 

“We should be a centered government, which focuses on a growing exclusive economy that will create job opportunities for all, in particular the marginalised and disenfranchised,” said Mokgosi.