Education Lekgotla to enhance educational advancement within communities 


The North West MEC for Education, Viola Motsumi said the Education Lekgotla that was held in Sun City Resort, Rustenburg, brought together key stakeholders from various sectors to discuss and strategize ways to enhance educational advancement in the communities.

Motsum said the gathering served as a platform for her department to engage with stakeholders in the business sector, urging them to collaborate closely in the department’s shared commitment to educational excellence.

“We are excited at the remarkable success of the Lekgotla. We have noted the overwhelming enthusiasm from stakeholders, many of whom demonstrated a keen willingness to pledge support towards educational initiatives.

“Today’s success at the Education Lekgotla, demonstrates the power of collaboration in driving meaningful change. I am heartened by the eagerness of stakeholders to invest in our educational endeavours, and I look forward to the positive impact of our collective efforts,” she said. 

Motsumi further said they will continue to ask for more stakeholders to join the wagon of taking an interest in the education of the children as a demonstration of the freedom they want to see realised going forward.

She added that, among those who graced the event was the Deputy Minister for Basic Education, Dr Reginah Mhaule, who emphasized the importance of improving inter-stakeholder collaboration. 

Meanwhile, Mhaule said: “Our educational goals can only be attained through a unified approach, uniting educators, administrators, community leaders and industry experts to craft a cohesive basic educational strategy. 

“This includes enabling us to adapt to new teaching methods, integrate technology in our classrooms and prepare our students for a world where change is the only constant.”

She said the DBE extends its gratitude to all participants for their invaluable contributions towards shaping the future of education in the nation with a commitment that fosters partnerships that transcend school fence boundaries.