A man sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for attempted rape 


A 46-YEAR-OLD man has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by Colesberg Regional Court for attempted rape. On 26 September 2022, at around midnight, the victim was sleeping alone in her house when Daniel Williams, entered and forcefully tried to remove her clothes to rape her.

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said the victim fought back and screamed for help. Kock said a neighbour came to her aid and the police were called. 

“Williams was arrested on the scene. The accused received bail, but evaded court appearances and was re-arrested in Petrusville in December 2023. He was sentenced to 10 years direct imprisonment by the Colesberg Regional Court on 8 May 2024 and was also declared unfit to possess a firearm,” he said. 

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, welcomed the sentence. Otola also commended the D/Sgt Eric Ngcapayi of De Aar Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit, for his meticulous investigation that led to the successful conviction of a Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBV&F) perpetrator.
