Heartfelt condolence messages continue to pour in after the death of Dr Lefalamang Zulu 


Heartfelt condolence messages continue to pour in after the death of a renowned writer and linguist, Dr Zulumathabo Vusumuzi Lefalamang Zulu (62). Zulu, who is described as a natural linguist, who was fascinated by words and their link to African cosmology and the transfer of traditional art forms of storytelling, all inspired by the ancients. 

The family spokesperson, Nume Mashinini said Mocholoko as Zulu was affectionately known, had a deep love for writing and a profound intellectual fascination with the functioning of the human body, indigenous mathematics, physics, science, and African cosmology.

Mashinini further said this led him to a lifelong journey of intellectual exploration and pioneering scholarly accomplishments. 

He added that over the years, Zulu’s intellectual and scholarly endeavours, earned him a number of titles, including journalist, computer software scientist, patent holder, author, teacher, mentor, doctoral practitioner, research scientist, metaphysical scientist, cosmologist and custodian of indigenous medicine. 

“Mocholoko held various academic positions at various academic institutions on the African continent and other parts of the world. Through this, he contributed to the development of academic curricula and literature in a number of fields. 

“This includes such fields as Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Climate Change, African Indigenous Architecture and Design, African Metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering, Historiography of African Science and Technology, African Ethnomathematics,” said Mashinini. 

He said inspired by his commitment to afrocentric epistemology and pedagogy, Zulu founded Madisebo University, whose mission is to train teachers as griot professors and knowledge engineers, who teach and model the sacrosanct principles of the African origins of knowledge. 

Mashinini said in essence, Madisebo University is a new paradigm intended to emancipate and to empower Thari (Bana Ba Thari/Abantwana Be Mbeleko/The Descendants of the Melanin). 

“He did this to ensure they are free from miseducation, conflict, immorality, poverty and pestilence. Mocholoko has published more than eight books and produced hundreds of unpublished manuscripts. 

“These include Sesotho Dictionary of Mathematics, A Woman in The Bush, African Origin of Mathematics and scholarly papers like African Origin of Mathematical Teaching and Learning. This list of publications also includes African Drum Telegraphy and Indigenous Innovation, African Contribution To Communication Science, African Metaphysical Science and Decolonisation and Africography Research Framework amongst others,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mashinini said the Organising Committee is currently finalising all the details relating to Zulu’s funeral service and memorial events. He said further announcements will be made during the course of the week.
