A man sentenced to 25 years for killing his girlfriend


A man (35) has been sentenced to 25 years imprisonment by the Hanover Regional Court for murder. This comes after Tracy “Pes” Wilson killed his girlfriend (34) in Hanover on 7 January 2024.

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Colonel Cherelle Ehlers said the deceased planned to go out with her sister and friends on the said afternoon, but her boyfriend, Wilson refused. Ehlers said the deceased abided to her boyfriend call and decided to stay home.

“Later, the pair had an argument whereby the accused took out a knife and stabbed her to death.

“The investigation was steered by Detective Sergeant Luvuyo Kampi from the Hanover Detective Unit. His thorough efforts secured the hefty sentence and justice for the victim of GBVF violence,” she said.

Ehlers said the court found the accused guilty and sentenced him to 25 years imprisonment for murder and declared him unfit to possess a firearm.
