‘Help create safer crime free communities for everyone’


The South African Police Service in the Northern Cape are urging the residents, especially business owners to become more vigilant and alert. The police said they understand the impact that crime has on individuals and businesses, and are committed to working with the public to prevent it from occurring.

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said the police are urging the public to adhere to and implement safety hints to ensure their safety. Kock said the safeguarding of their property by adhering to safety against business robbery.

“Businesses are requested to be extra vigilant around closing times. Never lock your business premises alone and install extra security gates. Appoint security guards and install security cameras, including alarm systems. Ensure that all doors and windows are secure.

“Business owners should remember to keep minimal cash on the premises and bank regularly. They should also educate staff on how to handle robberies and emergency situations. Keep a record of serial numbers of valuable items. Tuckshops and other small businesses must adhere to the operating and closing times and not be open till late,” he said.

He further said business owners should refrain from sleeping in tuckshops as this makes them a bigger target for business robberies. Kock added that those who want to prevent house robberies, should get a guard dog.

“House owners should install security gates and burglar bars. They should always lock doors and windows when leaving the house. Consider installing an alarm system and CCTV cameras. Do not open the door for strangers and be aware of your surroundings when entering or leaving the house.

“Immediately contact police when you notice suspicious persons loitering around and sitting on street corners. Do not leave spare keys in an obvious place like post boxes. To prevent general robberies, people should avoid walking alone at night in dimly lit areas,” said Kock.

He said they should keep their valuables out of sight in public places. Kock urged them to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious behaviour.

“Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuable items with you. Keep your cell phone and other electronic devices hidden when walking in public. Do not resist during a robbery, as this may escalate the situation and increase your risk of harm.

“They should not speak to strangers, while busy at ATMs. People should use ATMs that are well lit and not hidden away. Do not give your pin to anyone and cover your pin when doing ATM transactions,” he said.

Kock said they should not withdraw large amounts of cash, rather use debit or credit cards for purchases. He said they should always be aware of their surroundings.

“If possible, withdraw money at the tellers in supermarkets. Be aware of card scammers and we urge individuals to also be aware of tricksters that say they can make their money more when drawing cash from ATMs or banks.

“They should not use an ATM that they suspect was tampered with. He said the police care about their safety and by adhering to the safety hints, they can reduce their risk of falling victim to a robbery.

“Remember, prevention is key. If you witness or experience a robbery, report it immediately to the police. Working together, we can help create safer crime free communities for everyone,” said Kock.


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