A man sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for sexual assault


A man (31) was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment by the Calvinia Regional Court for sexual assault. On 22 August 2020 at around 8:30pm, a woman (20) and her friend were walking from a Sports Bar in Loeriesfontein, when she was accosted by Garvey De Koker.

Koker made sexual advances to the victim, grabbed her arm and touched her indecently on her private parts. He was arrested two days later and sentenced on 27 June 2024 to 5 years imprisonment, which was suspended for a period of 5 years.

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said Koker was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

“The police management in Northern Cape applauded Detective Constable Anthony Willemse from the Calvinia Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences unit for the outstanding detective work that ensured the conviction of the Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) perpetrator” he said.


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