A father sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for beating his daughter


The SAPS Management in Northern Cape welcomed the 10 year prison sentence handed down to a father (46), who brutally assaulted his daughter (11) in Calvinia.

On 23 December 2023 at about 9am, the father severely beat his daughter with a stick over her body and head. The victim started bleeding and ran to a family member who alerted the police.

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, LieutenantCol Sergio Kock said the father was arrested the following day. Kock said he was sentenced on 25 June 2024, to 10 years imprisonment by the Calvinia Regional Court, for Assault with intent to commit Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), which 5 years was suspended.

“He was also declared unfit to possess a firearm or work with children. The investigating officer, Detective Constable Gregory Settley of the Calvinia Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences unit was applauded for his meticulous investigative work that led to the notable sentence of the GBVF perpetrator,” he said.


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