Maribe: “Municipality making waves to a good financial shape”

Picture: The Member of Mayoral Committee in Infrastructure at the Greater Taung Local Municipality, Itumeleng Maribe/Supplied 


The situation at the embattled Greater Taung Local Municipality (GTLM) has improved. A few months ago, the municipal council was characterised by infightings and walkouts, resulting in inquorate council meetings.

This contributed enormously to the municipal council’s failure to execute its legislated mandate.

Amongst others, the municipality was allegedly faced with financial distress that has been intensified to the extent that it was at the ‘brink of collapse’.

All these, prompted the North West Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) to place the municipality under Section 139 (1)(a). However, it seems the municipality has recovered from that and is making inroads to a good financial shape.

This was evident when the Head of Department (HOD) from the North West Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Ben Bole, met with the municipal council last week Thursday to present a progressive report, which he described as ‘satisfactory’.

“We are here to present our report to the council. You will remember that the EXCO in the North West, placed the municipality under Section 139 (1)(a). You will remember that the EXCO mandated the then North West MEC for COGHSTA, Nono Maloyi to implement the mandate on its behalf.

“So today, we are here to present a progressive report in terms of how the municipality has performed in responding to those directives. Now, it is not up to the department to say whether the municipality will be removed from Section 139 (1)(a) or not. However, that will be the prerogative of EXCO,” he said.

Bole further said the department will compile a report and present it to the newly-elected North West MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (COGHSTA), Oageng Molapisi, who will in turn, present it to the EXCO for consideration.

He added that then EXCO will pronounce its decision on whether the municipality will be removed from Section 139 (1)(a) or not.

“What I can say is that we are here to present a satisfactory report and the powers lie with the EXCO,” said Bole.

Meanwhile, the Member of Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Infrastructure at the Greater Taung Local Municipality, Itumeleng Maribe said they welcome the report and the municipality will continue to address all challenges raised. Maribe said they will also delve into measures aimed at preventing municipal financial distress.

“We welcome the recommendations from North West Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (COGHSTA). We also have the responsibility to ensure that residents receive service delivery. We managed to reach our target on all directives that were handed over to us by the department. 

“You’ll remember that one of the directives was to improve our financial records after the municipality endured over-spending. We agreed during our strategic planning meeting that, we are over-spending in some departments such as the fleet,” he said.

Maribe said the municipality has more than nine supervisors in that department using municipal vehicles, and that might contribute to over-spending. He said they have agreed that those officials use their own vehicles and then the municipality will reimburse them. 

“We also agreed to closely monitor the issue of diesel, including petrol cards. Over and above, the municipality has been overspending on diesel. If the supervisors use their own vehicles, then the municipality will be able to save over R2 million each and every year. We also agreed that the municipality will do most of the things in-house, instead of outsourcing. 

“We will also ensure that the municipality appoints relevant individuals with necessary skills. So far, we don’t have auto electricians in the fleet department. Those are some of the critical positions that will assist us not to outsource when our fleet has mechanical problems,” said Maribe.

He said the municipality also spent over R24 million every year on high-mast lights. Maribe said they have come up with a cost-containment plan and the municipality will resort to solar powered lights.   

“For the next financial year, we will be resorting to solar powered lights in quest of saving money. We will redirect that money to accelerate service delivery,” he said.

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