SANCO in North West congratulates newly-appointed EXCO


South African National Congress (SANCO) in North West said it believes that the newly-elected Members of the Executive Council (EXCO), will continue to implement the ANC manifesto without fail. This comes after the newly-elected North West Premier, Lazarus Mokgosi introduced his Members of Executive Council (MECs) on Friday.

SANCO provincial spokesperson, Mzukisi Jam said the appointment of the executive is based on ANC guidelines, which require among other criteria that members have post-matric qualifications.

Jam further said they do not doubt the leadership of Mokgosi, who by his position as the ANC provincial Deputy Chairperson and his experience as a former North West MEC for Social Development, understand the responsibility of leading the province in the right direction and ensuring the delivery of services promised to our communities.

“We congratulate the newly appointed EXCO and elected executive of the North West Provincial Legislature (NWPL). As SANCO, we take this opportunity to congratulate the newly appointed Executive Committee (EXCO) members of the North West Provincial Government, led by Mokgosi, and the elected executive members of the North West Provincial Legislature, led by Speaker, Desbo Mohono and Deputy Speaker, Tshepo Khoza.

“We also have confidence in the elected North West Provincial Legislature Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Based on their credentials, we are confident they are capable of maintaining order and decorum in the parliament and holding the executive accountable alongside leaders of the legislature portfolios,” he said.

Jam added that the communities of the North West have given the ANC another chance to preside over the affairs of government and implement their manifesto for a better life for all. He said the 2024 election results show that communities still have confidence in the ANC in the province and do not want a coalition government or a Government of National Unity.

“The low voter turnout and decrease in ANC support as compared to previous elections on the other hand indicate dissatisfaction of communities. Key concerns raised by our communities during the election campaign include corruption, inadequate service delivery, and unemployment, which the 7th administration must prioritize.

“Our communities have made it clear that they are running out of patience and demand immediate service delivery. SANCO is content that Mokgosi has promised in his acceptance speech to continue with the Thuntsha Lerole Programme, which aligns with the communities’ wishes for accelerated service delivery,” said Jam.

He said the 7th administration inherits a stable provincial government, with some departments emerging from administration under Section 100 (1) (b). Jam said EXCO also takes over from a government that made concerted efforts to improve municipalities’ financial and administrative difficulties.

“The 6th administration commendably intervened in municipalities under serious financial stress due to adopting unfunded budgets and lacking senior managers, aiding their audit outcomes over the past five years and striving to improve these outcomes.

“SANCO calls for the new EXCO to continue stabilizing municipalities’ finances and administration by appointing qualified and capable individuals to deliver services to our people. We further call on the 7th administration to be decisive in dealing with corruption in government,” said Jam.

He said EXCO is also expected to ensure a transformed and inclusive economy to combat unemployment, inequality, and poverty. Jam said SANCO amongst other things, is pleased with the generational mix and women representatives in the provincial EXCO and legislature, emphasizing the importance of preparing future leaders and the ANC’s serious commitment to advancing gender equity.

“We welcome the Premier’s decision to retain some experienced MECs for continuity purposes, given their familiarity with public service administration.

“SANCO further like to emphasize and remind the newly appointed EXCO that our communities have given the ANC this chance to deliver on its promises and correct past mistakes and areas where they did not deliver,” he said.

Jam said this cohort will determine the ANC’s support for the 2026 local elections, which will primarily depend on delivering promised services and fostering an improved and inclusive economy that enables job creation and a conducive environment for businesses to thrive.

He said SANCO believes that ward councillors should also do more to educate and be honest with communities about the government’s financial constraints.

“There is a misconception that the government has abundant funds, whereas the reality is that it has limited resources and cannot achieve all the desired Integrated Development Plan (IDP) targets in one financial year.

“So, it is important for our communities to know that much of the government budget goes to salaries and operational services. Nonetheless, these financial constraints call for the government to use its limited resources sparingly, make realistic priorities, and update communities regularly on the progress of providing promised services,” said Jam.

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