ANCYL calls on North West Premier, Lazarus Mokgosi to appoint only “creme de la creme” individuals as MECs


The newly-elected North West Premier, Lazarus Kagiso Mokgosi is expected to announce his Members of Executive Council (MECs) today. The ANCYL in the province calls on Mokgosi to appoint only ‘creme de la creme’ as MECs and do away with unscrupulous individuals.

The ANCYL provincial secretary, Tshiamo Tsotetsi said they wish to encourage the ANC to continue being driven sobriety and a desire to give the people in the province nothing, but the best, capable and most capacitated crop amongst its MPLs.

Tsotetsi said the province does not need the best amongst ANC factions and the best amongst friends of the leadership.

“As we enter into the phase of appointing a team that will work with Mokgosi to drive service delivery known as EXCO or the MECs, we need capable men and women to be assigned to the tasks of leading the EXCO in the province.

“So, we plead with the ANC not to appoint comrades who have not served our people well in the past. Committing such a mistake will invite a credibility crisis to the leadership of the ANC, while also reversing the good impact which the North West Provincial Government (NWPG) had made since the inception of Nono Maloyi as the acting North West Premier,” he said.

Tsotetsi further said appointing people who are scandalous and unethical, will be insurmountable. He added that on 28 June 2024, the ANCYL will be marching to deliver a document, which entails the demands of the youth of the province.

“As we embarked on door-to-door and sectoral engagement, the organisation met and engaged with young people from various walks of life, which includes the scholars, drop outs, drug and alcohol addicts, youth in sports, young professionals, youth in agriculture, youth in entertainment and many other young people.

“A common denominator amongst their demands is that government must ensure that it creates the necessary opportunities and platforms for them to explore that talents and capabilities,” said Tsotetsi.

He said the youth in the province is becoming frustrated and depressed. Tsotetsi said they are left with no choice, but to find entertainment in using drugs and alcohol, the traits which rapidly destroys their future as well as the future of the province.

“We demand that the 7th administration bring along a renewed hope for the youth of the province. We demand that factories be opened in order for the youth of this province to get sustainable employment.

“We demand that the mines in the platinum belt stop retrenching our people and the agricultural cooperative be supported by the government-sponsored market in order for them to sell their produce,” he said.

According to Tsotetsi, they demand that the youths have decent sporting facilities. He said they demand that unemployed teachers be hired and unemployed graduates be absorbed by both the private and public sectors.

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