The newly-appointed North West Premier, Lazarus Mokgosi devoted to make the province better again  


The newly-appointed North West Premier, Lazarus “The Black Cat” Mokgosi said all those who occupy government offices as public servants are duty bound to devote themselves to the preamble of the constitution, which commits all of them to “heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights.”

Mokgosi, who was delivering his maiden speech at the North West Provincial Legislature (NWPL), after been sworn-in said, this commitment was given impetus by their struggle heroes and heroines who in 1955 at the adoption of the Freedom Charter in Kliptown, declared that: “South Africa belongs to all who live in it”.

He further said through their visionary leadership, they have taught the world the language of unity, reconciliation, compassion, and the ability to put the interests of South Africans first.

“I wish to extend my thanks to the outgoing North West Premier, Bushy Maape for his leadership in the concluding years of the 6thadministration. Maape has led us with a firm but kind hand, promoted consensus and collaboration. My gratitude also goes to the acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi who held the fort, while Maape was on sick leave,” he said.

Mokgosi added that they bequeath to them a provincial administration no longer encumbered by the limitations of Section 100 intervention. He said the 7th administration inherits a well-oiled machine that has delivered Accelerated Service Delivery Programme through Thuntsa Lerole.

“To Maape, the lessons of your leadership shall be the guide we rely on to navigate the next five years and hope you will still be available to provide counsel and sanction when required. We pray that God gives you healing and preserve you for us, we need you more now than ever before.

“We congratulate all political parties who have earned the trust of the people of the North West to represent their views in the legislature, both returning and the new members. We extend a hand of friendship and collaboration to all irrespective of the size or influence of your party. The nature and form of our representation are determined by the people, they know better, let us represent their voices and work together,” said Mokgosi.

He said the next five years offers them an opportunity to build on the foundations of the 6th administration. Mokgosi said the policies, plans, and resources to scale up service delivery are available, and few require any changes.

“No time will be wasted with new plans, where none is required.  The North West has the largest youth unemployment in the country. Youth jobs will be the focus of the seventh administration. The first item of the 7thadministration will be the roll-out of the Labour Activation Programme coordinated by the Office of the Premier in partnership with the Department of Labour and Employment, business, employer organisations and other social partners.

“We will break all remaining barriers to open the public service for employment opportunities for young people, in particular graduates. Gate keeping, bias and nepotism in departments will not be tolerated. We will transform our public service into a delivery machine that reflects the demography of our province and the spread of its skills and talent,” he said.

Mokgosi said they will modernize the governance to utilize the benefits of technology to expand access and the reach of services they deliver to the people. He said the North West is one of the rural provinces with existing digital inequalities that have held back the people and prevented entrepreneurship from flourishing.

“The 6th administration concluded the process for the review of the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS), which is a product of extensive consultation with all critical stakeholders in the province.

“The focus now is to develop an implementation plan with contributions from all provincial departments, municipalities, private sector, and labour. A Provincial Economic, Investment and Jobs Summit shall be held later this year to craft a clear economic plan for the North West. This follows the two investment initiatives we held last year on the sidelines of the BRICS+ Summit in Sandton and Dinner with Investors at Sun City,” said Mokgosi.

He said they want municipalities to work and to deliver uninterrupted services to the people. Mokgosi said the time for excuses is over and they will share with the public interventions in the local government sector after due consultation with legislated institutions and forums in the coming weeks.

“All provincial state-owned entities should just through their existence deliver on the developmental mandate of the province. We will not waste public resources on entities failing to meet conditions as set out in their respective shareholder legislative compacts.

“We commit to cooperate and respect the authority of the portfolio committees to hold the executive to account. The relationship between the Executive and Legislature is not easy, tension is normal and will happen,” he said.

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