An attempted murder and murder case against former Meat Brothers Pub owner, Tshwaro Mangwegape to be transferred to Taung Regional Court

Picture: The former Meat Brothers Pub owner, Tshwaro Mangwegape/Facebook


A murder and attempted murder case against the former Meat Brothers Pub owner, Tshwaro Mangwegape (41), is set to be transferred to the Taung Regional Court. Mangwegape, who is out on a R5000 bail, briefly appeared at Taung Magistrate’s Court today.

Mangwegape is accused of shooting and killing the NWU Soccer Institute player, Undivile “Vilo” Mdi (28) and injuring his friend, Aobakwe Ernest Kokwe (33). On 17 December 2023, Mdi and Kokwe were amongst patrons who visited the establishment that was full to capacity.

It is alleged that the security guards refused entry to patrons who did not have Identification Documents (IDs) and that led to a stampede. Mdi and Kokowe allegedly tried to gain entry forcefully, but Mangwegape allegedly pulled out a gun and shot at them.

Mdi was fatally shot, while his friend was rushed to the hospital with terrible gunshot wounds. Mangwegape’s case was postponed to 8 July 2024, for the regional court date.

The state also highlighted that it is still waiting for the ballistic test results.

Meanwhile, the ANCYL spokesperson in North West, Molebang Mohlomi said in a statement that, they condemn violence meted against patrons at the Meat Brothers. Mohlomi said it is alleged that security guards and bouncers unleashed live ammunition towards unarmed civilians, who were trying to gain access to the establishment.

“This barbaric behaviour bothers public safety. This shows how business owners lack respect for their clients. A clinical approach to review licences of public places must be applied to ensure those who are bestowed with the responsibility to protect patrons are PSIRA compliant.

“We have sent our heartfelt condolences to the families that have lost their loved ones. Equally so, we call upon law enforcement agencies to speedily resolve this brutish crime,” he said.

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