Maloyi: “Traditional leaders displayed heroism and resilience during the struggle”



The acting North West Premier, Nono Maloyi said traditional leaders displayed heroism and resilience during the struggle for liberation. Maloyi said most of them were also being forced into exile, while fighting apartheid and its draconian laws.

Maloyi said this while addressing the official opening of the North West House of Traditional and Khoi-San leaders for the year 2024. He further said they take the hats off for leaders like Kgosi Lentswe II of Bakgatla ba Kgafela, who was at the centre of a trans-frontier network that played a crucial role in the struggle for liberation in our country.

“They were steadfast in their resolve to fight colonialism and apartheid. It is these heroic acts that have trickled down from one generation to the other that have served as a beacon of hope in the emancipation of our people. We are here today because of their sacrifices. 

“During the State of the Province Address (SOPA), I gave a candid assessment of the journey we have traversed since 1994. It is true that we have made significant progress in the roll-out of services such as provision of water, housing, and electricity. These services have benefited millions of our people,” said Maloyi.

He said, however, they are not oblivious to the challenges of the day. Maloyi further said they are doing everything in their power to address them.

“Our communities under the jurisdiction of the traditional leadership, still bear the imprints of an unjust past, while there is progress that has been made, more needs to be done to promote rural development and encourage investments in our villages, rural and traditional communities.

“Through the Accelerated Service Delivery Plan-Thuntsha Lerole, we are visiting our townships, rural and traditional communities to resolve service delivery backlogs in our communities,” he said. 

According to Maloyi, since the inception of this initiative, they are crisscrossing the province handing out projects, opening schools and health centres to address challenges of socio-economic concern afflicting our communities. He said they are rolling out water provision projects through Operation Bulela Metsi to ensure that there is uninterrupted provision of water in our communities. 

“We are registering our people in the indigents database so that they can qualify for free electricity and water. We have sent officials in municipalities to assist with financial recovery plans. The skills audit initiative is in full swing and there are some municipalities that have completed this exercise.

“This is aimed at ensuring that municipalities employ qualified and skilled personnel. We are committed to align our District Development Model (DDM) objectives with the aspirations of Dikgosi in addressing service delivery backlogs in our rural and traditional communities,” said Maloyi. 

He said he would like to appeal to the house to join the provincial government in raising concerns with the implementation of Social Labour Plans and Corporate Social Investments by mining companies in their host communities. Maloyi said whilst the province is endowed with vast mineral resources, the communities continue to live in abject poverty with high levels of unemployment dictating the socio-economic narrative.

“North West forms part of the largest belt, which accounts for 70% of the world’s platinum reserves, yet unemployment in the province hovers around 38%. The implementation of SLP and CSI projects must be done in consultation with the provincial government and our traditional councils to address challenges of unemployment and poverty in our province.

“Last year, I had a series of meetings with you to try and address concerns you raised with the government. To that end from 12-14 April 2023, I had a working session with all Dikgosi. The working session entailed robust engagements with the MECs, HoDs, Business People, Representatives of the Mining Houses and Business Forums,” he said.

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