The preparations for a safer festive season launch underway

Picture: The launch of Safer Festive season preparations underway/Supplied  


The SAPS Provincial and District Management in collaboration with the District Community Police Forums (CPFs) and other relevant role players, hosted Imbizo as a build-up programme to the Provincial Launch of the Safer Festive Season Operation, which will be held at Upington High School on 17 November 2023.

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said, Imbizo was held at the Piet Thole Community Hall in Rosedale as a platform to discuss crime in the district, as well as the formal introduction of the newly appointed ZF Mgcawu(ZFM) District Commissioner, Maj Gen Thabo Elizabeth Mphuthi.

“The opening prayer was delivered by Rev Mafa of the SAPS Spiritual Crime Prevention Unit and the welcoming address was by ward councillor, Solly Abel. The purpose of the engagement was relayed by the Deputy Provincial Commissioner for Policing, Maj Gen Luntu Ngubelanga, who formally introduced Maj Gen Mphuthi to the Greater Upington communities.

“Maj Gen Mphuthi expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to engage with the ZFM District communities to address concerns and formulate partnerships to fight and stabilize crime while encouraging the attendees to join the CPF, the Community in Blue Patrollers and all other community structures,” he said.

Kock further said that Mphuthi assured the community that, the root causes of crime such as drug and alcohol abuse will be addressed with the aim of closing down illegal liquor outlets and drug houses and apprehending dealers.

He added that Mphuthi also reiterated that, the Launch of the Safer Festive Season Operations and the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children will be running concurrently during November/December and beyond in an effort to uproot Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) from the societies.

“The Imbizo panellists were Maj General Ngubelanga, Maj Gen Mphuthi, the Rosedale Station Commander, Col Hikwane, the ZFM Speaker, Mr Stanley Pieters, ward councillors, Solly Abel, the ZFM District CPF Chairperson Mr Clement Baai and additional CPF members who responded to the questions and concerns posed by the community.

“The vote of thanks was done by Mr Clement Baai who thanked the Pro-Active Crime Prevention Unit, the Community Police Forums, all relevant role players and the community for a very successful and rewarding crime-fighting event,” said Kock.

867 suspects nabbed in a fight to combat illegal mining

Picture: Some of the illegal miners nabbed/Supplied


Illegal mining continues to become an increasing risk to sustainability, especially in the mining industry in the Namaqua District, says the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola.

Otola said the police have made great strides in the battle against illegal miners in the district, specifically in the Kleinsee area. She said 867 illegal miners were arrested during an intelligence-driven operation two months ago.

“In ensuring the continuation of combating illicit mining activities in the area, we have reinforced human and other resources to prevent the re-occurrence of illegal mining activities in the area. Between 7 and 13 November 2023, police arrested 46 persons for trespassing, undocumented immigrants, and possession of suspected uncut diamonds.

“The police crime prevention’s stop and search actions also resulted in the confiscation of numerous illegal mining implements such as, spades, pick axes, bags containing suspected diamond-bearing gravel, suspected uncut diamonds, hammers, and sieves,” she said.

Otola further said, the police will continue to monitor the situation in order to curb illicit mining.

Most aspiring entrepreneurs with approved business plans from SEDA, struggle to access funding from SEFA


The residents in Taung said the amendment of the National Small Enterprise Act [No. 103 of 1996] is long overdue as small businesses are faced with many challenges. This was raised during the public hearing on the National Small Enterprise Amendment (NSEA) Bill in Taung.

The Chairperson of the Small Business Development Committee, Violet Siwela said, that residents made oral submissions, particularly on Clause 5 of the Bill, which seeks to insert Chapter 3A into the Act. Siwela further said that this chapter will provide for, among others, the establishment of the Office of the Small Enterprise Ombud Service.

“It will also provide the appointment of the Ombud and any necessary deputy Ombud. The powers and functions of the Ombud, and the manner of dealing with complaints and determinations. Some residents said that the Ombud Office will help a great deal and should be accessible to remote communities,” she said.

Siwela added that they expressed overwhelming support for the NSEA Bill and pleaded that, it be passed into law and implemented as a matter of urgency. She said others suggested the insertion of a new clause that will provide for the establishment of the small enterprise council, which should work with registered structures such as local business chambers to ensure that the Bill is fully implemented.

“Stakeholders from the agricultural sector submitted that the Bill should also make provision for the allocation of land for business activities by small enterprise owners. Furthermore, the residents welcomed Clause 4 of the Bill, which seeks to substitute Chapter 3 of the Act to provide for, amongst others, the establishment and functions of the Small Enterprise Development Finance Agency (SEDFA).

“According to the NSEA Bill, SEDFA will substitute the Co-operative Banks Development Agency, Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), and Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA). The dissolution of these entities and the subsequent establishment of SEDFA will bring about synergy in the entire value chain from the advisory, training, business plan, and financing stages,” said Siwela.

She said more often during their oversight work, they learned that most aspiring entrepreneurs struggle to access funding from SEFA, while they have approved business plans by SEDA.

Siwela said North West is the eighth province to host the public hearings on the NSEA Bill and will be followed by Gauteng.

Maloyi encourages eligible voters to register during the weekend


North West MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs (COGHSTA), Nono Maloyi calls on eligible voters to use the upcoming voter registration weekend, to register to vote in the 2024 General Elections. Maloyi said, according to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), nearly 23 296 voting stations in all municipalities across the country will be open for voter registration over the weekend from 18 to 19 November 2023.

“I want to take this opportunity to make a clarion call to all the residents, especially first-time voters who are mainly young people, to register to vote in order to participate in the 7th General Elections to be held sometime next year.

“This opportunity cannot be taken lightly as many of our leaders laid their lives in order for us to enjoy this freedom and be able to vote for the leaders of our choice,” he said.

Maloyi further said all South Africans aged 16 and older can register to vote, but to vote one needs to be 18 years or older. He added that to register, one needs a South African Identity Document (ID) – either a green barcoded ID book, ID Smart Card, or a valid temporary ID certificate.

“Those who are already registered can make use of this opportunity this weekend to verify and update their information with IEC,” said Maloyi.

Police confiscate illicit cigarettes worth R7.8 million

Picture: The illicit cigarettes confiscated/Supplied 


The police have seized various brands of illicit cigarettes and wooka tobacco to the value of R7.8 million and issued R1500 fines for dealing in illicit medicine. The shop owners were also served with compliance notices, requesting them to provide the authorities with the required documentation permitting them to possess such consignments.

Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Timothy Sam said, one suspect (33), who is a Bangladeshi national, was arrested on a previous warrant of arrest and will appear in the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court soon. Sam said the police are reinforcing efforts to eradicate the sale and trafficking of counterfeit goods, with a focus on illicit cigarettes and tobacco products.

“The Provincial Organised Crime Unit and Provincial Crime Intelligence in conjunction with, the Provincial Firearm, Liquor and Second Hand Goods Unit (FLASH), the Kimberley Public Order Police (POP), the Kuruman K9, Highway Patrol, and Crime Prevention Units, Prieska VISPOL, the South African Revenue Services (SARS) Customs and National Rapid Response team and the Department of Home Affairs Immigration Services conducted intelligence driven operations.

“The operations that commenced on 13 November 2023, were executed in Kimberley, Kuruman and Prieska. These multi-disciplinary operations were conducted on intelligence gathering efforts,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, applauded the collective efforts of law enforcement agencies, citing that the current levels of illicit trade, need to be addressed urgently and the police will strengthen compliance control measures in combatting illicit-related crimes.

Maloko a stokvel a tshwerwe poo kwa Mokgareng, mme ga tsewa R113 000  


Sepodisi mo kgaolong ya Taung, se ikuela go botlhe ba ba tlileng go kgaoganya madi a letsema le lebidiwang stokvel, ba ikele tlhoko ka dinako tsotlhe. Se se tla morago ga gore, maloko a le mabedi a stokvel kwa motseng wa Mokgareng, ba tseelwe madi a lekanyediwa go R113 000.

Go begwa fa maloko a, ba ne ba bala madi mme ene ya re moragonyana fa o mongwe wa leloko a tsamaile, banna ba le babedi ba ne ba kgorogelwa o madi a ne a le mo go ene. Go begwa fa ba ne ba fitlha ba mo supa ka sethunya, mme ba mo kaela gore a ba neele madi.

Fela mosadi yo, one a latola fa madi a le mo go ene. Go begwa fa banna ba, ba ne ba puruputsha ntlo le go batlana le madi. Ene ya nna a o ne o mpeile motho, mme ba ne ba tsamaya ka nngobo e sa fotlhwa. Go ya ka dipego, mosadi yo, one a letsetsa one a bala madi le ene, mme a mo kopa gore a tle go tsaya madi a, gonne gona le batho ba kgale ba mo supile ka sethunya ba a batla.

Go kaiwa fa sepodisi le sone sene sa lelediwa, mme mosadi o le ene, one a tla go tsaya madi a. Fela, tshega ene ya fapoga mo e nnang teng fa mosadi o tshotseng madi a ne a tla a tlhapile ka dikeledi, le go kaela mapodisi fa banna bao, ba ntse ba ile kwa lelapeng la gagwe, mme ba tshotse madi ao.

Go ya ka sebueledi sa sepodisi mo Bokone Bophirima kwa sedikeng sa Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Warrant Officer Tryphosa van Rooyen, tiragalo e ke ya ka Sontaga.

“Re ikuela go maloko a stokvel go se ntshe madi a bone kwa polokelong, mme se ba tla se dirang ke go tsenyetsa maloko a bone madi ka mokgwa wa EFT.

“Ga gona ope o tshwerweng mo tiragalong e, mme go begiwa fa banna bao ba ne ba le babedi. Tiragalo e e tshwanang le e e diragetse gape kwa motseng wa Lokaleng ka Lamatlhatso,” van Rooyen wa tlhalosa.

Baithuti ba kobilwe kwa kampeng ya marematlou kwa sekolo se segolwane sa Mokgareng morago ga go iphanya ka nnotagi

Setshwantshopapiso: Baithuti ba sekolo sa Mokgareng ba itumeletse tiragatso ya seopedi sa mmino wa Gospel


Baithuti ba le bane ba marematlou kwa sekolong se segolwane sa Mokgareng, gaufi le Taung, ba ba ne ba tsenetse dikampa tsa go kwala diteko tsa bofelo jwa ngwaga, ba kobilwe kwa kampeng eo. Go begwa fa baithuti ba ba basetsana, ba ne ba thoba kwa kampeng eo ka Lamatlhatso bosigo, mme ba ya go iphanya ka ntse.

Go begwa fa baithuti ba, ba ne ba tla ba nkga bojalwa ba re phuu, mme ba fitlha ba tsosa modumo le go baka dintwa kwa kampeng eo.  Sebueledi sa Lefapha la Thuto mo Bokone Bophirima, Mphata Molokwane, o netefadileditse Taung DailyNews, fa ele nnete gore baithuti bao, ba ne ba thoba le go ya go nwa bojalwa, fela o ganeditse dipego tsa gore, ba ile ba baka dintwa.

“Ka Lamatlhatso bosigo ka ura ya 11, mogokgo wa sekolo one a letsediwa ke mongwe wa lekolo la lekgotlha-tsamaiso ya sekolo (School Governing Body), mme a mo kaela fa gona le baithuti ba ba tagilweng, ebile ba lwantsha moithuti mongwe. Gone ka nako eo, mogokgo one a tabogela kwa sekolong, mme a fitlhela go sena ntwa.

“Fela, ke nnete o fitlhetse baithuti bao, ba iphantse ka ntse. Ga go itsiwe gore baithuti ba, ba thobile jang kwa kampeng, gonne dikgoro tsa sekolo di ne di lotletswe. Mogokgo one a ntsha baithuti bao mo go ba bangwe, mme a ba tsenya mo phaphusing ya bone ba le nosi,” Molokwane wa tlhalosa.

Molokwane are, ene ya re mo mosong ka la Tshipi, mogokgo one a itsise baithuti bao, fa ba kobilwe kwa kampeng eo. Molkwane are gape, go ne go na le dipego tsa gore, gona le batho bangwe ba ba sa itsiweng ba ba ne ba kokota mo diphaphusing tsa baithuit bangwe fa ba robetse.

“Fela, morago ga dipatlisiso, ga re a bona ope kwa sekolong, mme re belaela fa ene ele mongwe wa baithuti ba basimane morago ga go utlwa modumo kwa diphaphusing tsa basetsanyana. Mogokgo one a netefatsa fa baithuti ba sireletsegile kwa sekolong, mme go sena matshosetsi ape.

“Ka ura ya bosupa mo mosong, mogokgo gape one a bona mogala go tswa go modula-setilo wa lekgotlha-tsamaiso la sekolo, yo one a mo kaela fa a bone mogala go tswa go batsadi bangwe ba baithuti. One a kaela mogokgo fa batsadi bao, ba tshosetsa ka go ntsha bana ba bone kwa kampeng gonne ba sa sireletsega,” Molokwane wa tlhalosa.

Molokwane are, gape mogokgo one a tabogela kwa sekolong. Are ba ne ba tsireganya, mme ba netefaletsa batsadi fa baithuti ba sireletsegile.

Kgabagare, modula-setilo wa lekoko la sepolotiki la Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) kwa kgorwaneng ya bosupa, Moelegang Magano are: “Re ile ra kopana le botsaisi jwa sekolo, mme ra dumalana ka bongwe jwa pelo gore, re tlile go thusa sekolo ka go netefatsa fa baithuti ba sireletsegile. Jaanong, re dumalane KA go thapa mongwe wa batlhankela ba tshireletso ba banang le ditlankana tse di maleba go ka netefatsa fa tshireletso ele ya maemo a kwa godimo kwa sekolong.”

A man sentenced to life imprisonment for raping a girl


A-25-YEAR-OLD man has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Atamelang Regional Court for raping a girl (19). On the night of 6 December 2020, the complainant and two of her cousins arrived at their home from a tavern in Ottosdal.

Lucky Tshepang Mothowatlhaga subsequently accosted her, while she was knocking on the door.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson, Henry Mamothame said, this happened, while the victim’s two cousins were also knocking on the opposite door of the house.

Mamothame further said, that Mothowatlhaga then dragged her to his residence, at which the two cousins rushed to the neighbour’s house to call for help.

“At the time they came back to assist, the two had already disappeared. Upon arrival at his residence, the accused threatened the complainant with a knife before repeatedly raping her. He only let her leave the following morning.

“The matter was reported to the police and the accused was arrested and granted bail. However, Mothowatlhaga failed to appear before the court and he was re-arrested. His bail was revoked and pleaded not guilty to the charge,” he added.

In aggravation of sentence, the state prosecutor, Adv Edward Manicus, urged the court not to deviate from the prescribed minimum sentence, as there were no compelling circumstances to do so.

Magistrate Stefanus Du Toit agreed with the state and stressed the seriousness and prevalence of the offense, as well as the traumatic experience suffered by the complainant. The court declared him unfit to possess a firearm and his name was ordered to be registered in the register of sexual offenders. 

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Prosecutions in the North West, Dr Rachel Makhari, lauded the prosecutor, Detective Mmolawa from the South African Police Service, and other role players for a collaboration that yielded a successful conviction.

Banyana Banyana well represented at the CAF Awards

Picture: Banyana Banyana players celebrating a victory


Banyana Banyana continues to reap the benefits of their hard work and this was evident when the Confederation of African Football (CAF) released the nominations for the 2023 CAF Awards on Tuesday.  The nominees were selected based on performances between December 2022 and November 2023 and the awards will be hosted in Morocco on 11 December 2023.

Banyana Banyana is the reigning champions of the Women’s Africa Cup of Nations and made history at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup by becoming the first South African senior national team to make it past the group stages of a FIFA tournament.

CAF said: “A distinguished panel made up of CAF Technical Experts, Legends, and selected media representatives decided on the nominees, taking into consideration their performances at all levels from December 2022 to November 2023.”  

Ellis is up for the Coach of the Year award, which she has claimed on three consecutive occasions (2018, 2019, and 2022). Six players are nominated for the Player of the Year award, which has been previously won by Noko Matlou and Thembi Kgatlana in 2008 and 2018 respectively.

CAF Awards 2023 nominations for South Africa:

National Team of the Year – South Africa (Banyana Banyana)

Coach of the Year – Desiree Ellis

Goalkeeper of the Year – Andile Dlamini and Kaylin Swart

Young Player of the Year – Thubelihle Shamase

Interclub player of the Year – Lebohang Ramalepe

Player of the Year – Thembi Kgatlana, Hildah Magaia, Jermaine Seoposenwe, Refiloe Jane, Linda Motlhalo, and Andile Dlamini.

In other nominations for South African football, Bafana Bafana stars, Percy Tau and Ronwen Williams were each nominated in two categories. Tau is part of the 30-man list for the Player of the Year and Interclub Player of the Year. Williams is nominated for Player of the Year and Goalkeeper of the Year categories.

Kaizer Chiefs’ Ranga Chivaviro also made the cut for the Interclub Player of the Year category.

The Mamelodi Sundowns men’s and women’s teams are nominated under the Team of the Year category.