Three suspects for ‘stealing’ copper worth R300 000

Picture: Three suspects arrested for copper theft/Supplied


Three suspects were arrested for allegedly stealing copper worth R300 000 in Hopetown. The suspects allegedly stole the copper from an irrigation pump on a farm.

Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said, on 9 November 2023 at around 4am, the surveillance cameras detected three suspects aged 31, 41, and 44 on the scene. Kock said the police with the assistance of the farm owner and Oranje Security Guards, pounced on the suspects, while they were driving off in a getaway vehicle on the R359 road, near Hopetown.

“The police confiscated the burnt copper cables and the white Renault Clio as it was allegedly used in the commission of crime. The suspects were arrested and charged with theft of copper cables and tampering or damaging essential infrastructure,” he said.

Northern Cape Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, embraced the arrests and the recovery of stolen copper. Otola further said that policing crimes relating to the damage of essential infrastructure remains a priority in the province.

Meanwhile, the Pixley Ka Seme District Commissioner, Major General Nomana Mtukushe, also commended the Hopetown SAPS and the community for a perfect display of partnership policing.

13 most wanted persons arrested


The most wanted suspects were arrested during a tracing operation on 8 November 2023. This comes after a tracing team from Roodepan Detectives, led by Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Mashodi, embarked on a tracing operation.

Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Timothy Sam said, that 13 suspects who have been on the run from the police for attempted murder, malicious damage to property, assault GBH, robbery, Animal Protection Act, and contravention of protection orders were nabbed.

“The suspects have been evading court appearance dates and one violated court orders. The suspects were arrested at their respective residences in Roodepan.

They appeared in the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court on 9 November 2023.

Meanwhile, the Frances Baard District Commander, Major General Johan Bean, welcomed the arrests of the accused persons and warned those out on warning or bail to communicate with the Investigating Officers regarding court appearances.

A smear campaign allegation comes to the facade over R38m call centre    

Picture: The Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality logo


The Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality in Vryburg, believes that, there is a smear campaign against it in order to distabilise the smooth running of the municipality. This comes after the allegations published in City Press newspaper that, the municipality has paid R38 million for a call centre.

However, the the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality spokesperson, Joel Motlhasedi, described the allegations as absurd. He alleged that, the allegations were intended to discredit the good name of the municipality.

“As the municipality, we would like to put it on record and provide clarity on the false allegations regarding a tender involving a call centre, which was approved by the council. We can categorically confirm that, a public tender was advertised for prospecting service providers on 2 September 2021.

“Yes, tender is estimated to the tune of R38 million, but is for a period of three years. The bid was advertised for 30 days as prescribed by Section 22 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), where Wcyber Solutions company was appointed by the then acting Municipal Manager, Collen Colane,” said Motlhasedi.

He further said, the Supply Chain Management (SCM) tender processes were followed in awarding the tender and the establishment of the structure was implemented in compliance with the mandate of the North West Provincial Government (NWPG), North West Department of Corporative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (COGHSTA) back in 2016.

Motlhasedi added that, the call centre will serve as a Service Delivery Management Centre, Information Dissemination Centre, Disaster Management Centre and an Anti-Corruption & Fraud Hotline.

“Furthermore, the call centre was established to expand the operation of the reception services of calls at the Fire and Disaster offices. The service provider in question is meant to equip the call centre with modern ICT services with technical radios linked to all fire stations and vehicles to ensure the effective response to all service delivery issues in the district for 24 hours a day.

“The municipality’s old call centre, which focused on fire and disaster, was inadequate to accommodate 10 new operators at a time. So, the structure erected, was installed by the service provider at a no fee and intended to create adequate space,” he said.

Motlhasedi said it should be emphasised that, the municipality only paid an amount of R 5.7 million up to so far. He said the budget includes operation, maintenance, Human Resource, insurance and training breakdown.

“Though, it has been four months since the service provider not being paid as there are invoices that have not yet been signed to date. The employees who work at the centre have not been reporting to duty due to non-payment of their salaries. However, the call centre remains active.

“Currently, the Municipal Manager is intervening on resolving the payment issues between the municipality and the service provider. The so-called “whistle-blower” proven himself to be a person, who is dishonest and an unreliable character who is not to be trusted as he is making use of his personal vendettas to cause conflict within the municipality with his baseless and unsubstantiated rumours,” said Motlhasedi.

He alleged that, the ‘whistle-blower’ has been interdicted from participating in activities of the council by his political party due to allegations of corruption and fraud levelled against him.

Meanwhile, the North West Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Premier, Finance, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs is set to hold an oversight meeting with the municipality over the allegations at Committee Room 2 on Friday at 12pm.

14 undocumented persons arrested for illegal mining

Picture: The illegal miners arrested/Generic


The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col, Sergio Kock said, in an effort to address the ongoing illegal mining in Kimberley, they have established a multi-disciplinary team that executed an illegal mining operation on 8 November 2023.

Kock said a concerted intelligence-driven operation focusing on illegal mining in Kimberley, netted 14 undocumented persons and confiscated a significant amount of mining equipment. He further said the police from the Frances Baard District, Crime Intelligence unit, K9 Unit, Flying Squad, Tactical Response Team, Mounted unit, Ekapa Mine Security, Sol Plaatje Security, Local Traffic and the Department of Home Affairs executed the operation.

 “Undocumented persons from Lesotho and Zimbabwe comprising 11 men and 3 women, were arrested at the Kenilworth mining area, close to Samaria Road in Kimberley,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Frances Baard District Commissioner, Maj Gen Johan Bean, commended the police and reiterated that illegal mining is one of the priorities the police will be focusing on during the festive season and beyond.

Morutabana o thudile moithuti ka koloi kwa Kokomeng

Setshwantsho: Sekolo se segolwane sa Seabo   


Go begwa fa moithuti wa Grade 11 kwa sekolong se segolwane sa Seabo kwa Kokomeng, gaufi le Taung, a tlogetswe ka dikgobalo morago ga go thulwa ke morutabana ka sejanaga. Go ya ka dipego, tiragalo e, e diragetse kwa motseng ka di 13 Diphalane 2023.

Go begwa fa morutabana wa sekolo sa Seabo, mme a tswa kwa porofenseng ya Kwazulu Natal, a ne a kopana le moithuti o, Trimony Mmekwane (17) mo tseleng mme a mo thula ka sejanaga. Go ya ka dipego, morutabana o, one a inaya naga morago ga tiragalo.

Sebueledi sa Lefapha la Thuto mo Bokone Bophirima, Mphata Molokwane are, moithuti o, one a itemogela dikgobalo mo leotong le mo mokotleng. Molokwane are, moithuti o, one a rwalelwa kwa bookelong, mme one a lokololwa morago ga matsatsi a le mararo.

“Ga jaana, moithuti o, o kwala ditlhatlhobo tsa bofelo jwa ngwaga. Go begwa fa morutabana o, a ne a setse a itokolotse kwa tirelong fa tiragalo e e diragala.

“Batsadi ba moithuti o, ba ne ba ya go bega molato kwa sepodisi, mme go begwa fa morutabana o, a setse a boetse kwa gabo kwa Kwazulu Natal. Go fitlha ga jaana, dipatlisiso di tsweletse,” Molokwane wa tlhalosa.

Kgabagare, sebueledi sa sepodisi mo Bokone Bophirima kwa sedikeng sa Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Warrant Officer Tryphosa van Rooyen are: “Ga gona kgetsi e e butsweng kgatlhanong le mokgweetsi wa sejanaga, gonne go sena motho o a boning dikgobalo. Jaaka sepodisi, re ile ra bula kgetsi ya kotsi ya sejanaga (Accident Report) fela.

Taung serial rapist sentenced to life imprisonment

Picture: The Taung Magistrate’s Court 


A man has been sentenced to life imprisonment by Taung Regional Court for rape. Kgorotlhe Thomas Kgatlhane (31) was arrested after a spate of incidents, where terrorised women in Magogong and Maphoitsile villages, near Taung through his violent acts between 2011 and 2016.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson, Henry Mamothame said, Kgatlhane who in most cases operated alone, but often with two accomplices, would attack women walking at night, rob them and take turns to rape them. Mamothame said he was later arrested on 30 June 2017 and remained in police custody until the completion of the trial.

“He was linked to the rapes through DNA specimens but pleaded not guilty to all charges. The police are still searching for his accomplices. Kgatlhane was sentenced to life imprisonment on each of the two counts of rape.

“He was also sentenced to 10 years on each of the two counts of rape and 15 years on each of the two counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances. The court declared him unfit to possess a firearm and further ordered for his name to be entered in the register of sexual offenses,” he said.

In aggravation of sentence, the state prosecutor, Adv Zoleka Majikijela, urged the court not to deviate from the minimum prescribed sentence of life imprisonment, as there were no substantial and compelling circumstances. Majikijela further led the Victim Impact Statements, wherein the victims described the emotional and physical trauma they live with daily as a result of their ordeal.

Magistrate Thataetsile Matolong agreed with the state and added that the court has the responsibility in sending a strong message against perpetrators of such violent acts.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Prosecutions in the North West, Dr Rachel Makhari, lauded the collaboration between the prosecutor, Captain Obakeng Phirichwane, and the Court Preparation Officer in ensuring that the perpetrator is brought to book.