Police urge the public to exercise safety tips around fire during icy weather!  

Picture: Fire burning in cold weather/Google  


The icy conditions continue to be experienced across the country, where maximum temperatures remain at all-time low. Now, the Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said, due to the current extreme cold weather conditions in the country, they urge the public to adopt and implement safety tips around fire.

Kock said people tend to use various means and ways to keep warm, but in some instances, it is dangerous and fatal.

“The police in the Northern Cape’s plea to our communities is that, they should adhere to safety measures, especially those in rural areas. Please, never make fires inside your house or shack. You can fall asleep, while the “dombolo barrels” are still burning. Do not smoke in bed or leave candles and cigarette buds burning, especially at night.

“Never leave your kitchen appliances such as gas stoves unattended, whilst cooking because it only takes a few seconds for a fire to break out. If you need to leave the kitchen, make sure to either ask someone to watch the food for you or turn everything off altogether until you are back,” he said.

Kock further said, inspection on heating sources is also imperative. He added that, house fires may be triggered, if your home heating sources are not working properly or when you fall asleep while heaters are still on.

“Be extra careful when using electric blankets and store any flammable products correctly. Household cleaners and items such as hair spray or shaving cream may be very hazardous if exposed to a strong source of heat. So, always store these safely in a cool area away from any heaters.

“Maintain electrical wires and avoid illegal and unsafe connections. Also, do not overload plugs with extra heating electrical appliances. Damaged wires can be a detrimental fire hazard and need replacing as soon as possible. Be cautious that wires get hot when in use, so be sure to check your wire placement and avoid passing them under a carpet or anything that could potentially catch fire,” said Kock.

He urged people to be cautious with open flames and be extra careful around fireplaces. Kock said they advise people to always extinguish fires before they go to bed.

“If you have small children or pets, keep open flames out of their reach as much as possible. Keep a fire extinguisher or blanket around at all times because they will be your best defence in the event of a fire breaking out. Every family member should know how to use a fire extinguisher, so in case something in your home does catch fire, it can be put out as fast as possible.

“Fire blankets are also very useful for putting out small fires, but rather call the fire brigade when you see the fire is becoming larger, fiercer and life threatening. Let us keep warm and be safe during the winter season,” he said.


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