An elderly man sentenced to life imprisonment for raping step-granddaughter!


An elderly man has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Ga Rankuwa Regional Court for raping a step-granddaughter (8). Oupa Kgomo (67) was staying with the victim and her grandmother, who he was in a romantic relationship with in Klipgat.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson in North West, Henry Mamothame said: “The evidence led in court revealed that, Kgomo raped the complainant, whenever her grandmother went out of the house to run errands. The incidents occurred between January 2017 and December 2018.

“In December 2018, the complainant’s aunt noticed some unusual behaviour of the complainant, who was constantly crying and had ceased to play with her friends. Upon enquiring, the complainant told the aunt about her sexual ordeal with Kgomo. The matter was reported to the police and she was subsequently taken for a medical check, which confirmed that the child was sexually violated.”

Mamothame further said, Kgomo was subsequently arrested, but the court granted him R1000. He added that, Kgomo pleaded not guilty to the offence and in aggravation of the sentence, Adv Mummy Mosonodi urged the court not to deviate from the minimum prescribed sentence of life imprisonment.

Mosonodi argued that, Kgomo took advantage of a child whom he was supposed to protect as she trusted him. Magistrate Aggrey Sephoti agreed with the state and remarked that the courts have a responsibility to send a strong message to perpetrators of such offences, meant to violate women, children and the elderly.

Kgomo was also registered in the national register of sexual offenders and the court declared him unfit to possess a firearm.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Prosecutions in the North West, Dr Rachel Makhari together with the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, lauded the prosecutor and Detective Sergeant Mmaletswai Mathiba from the South African Police Service (SAPS) and other role players for their collaboration in bringing the perpetrator to book.

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