A fraud case against former Northern Cape MEC for Transport, Roads and Public Works, John Block postponed  

Picture: The former Northern Cape MEC for Transport, Public Works and Roads, John Block/Google  


A fraud case against the disgraced former Northern Cape MEC for Transport, Roads and Public Works, John Block has been postponed to 10 August 2023. Block along with his two co-accused, the former Head of Department (HoD), Patience Mercia Mokhali and the Director of Babereki Consulting Engineers CC, Tshegolekae Motaung briefly appeared before the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court in relation to the R51 million fraud case against them.

The case relates to the construction of the new Kimberley Mental Hospital.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson in Northern Cape, Mojalefa Senokoatsane, said Block, Mokhali and Motaung are facing charges of fraud, money laundering, corruption and contravention of the Engineering Professions Act.

“It is alleged that in 2003, Babereki Consulting Engineers CC was fraudulently awarded a tender as a structural and civil engineer, as well as a project manager within the mental health hospital construction project.

“Block as the political head and the former HOD, Mokhali, allegedly appointed Babereki Consulting Engineers CC, whose director is Tshegolekae Motaung, even though the company did not meet the requirements. The actual amount involved is approximately R51 million,” said Senokoatsane.

He further said Block appeared in the court virtually on Tuesday, as he is currently serving a 15-year jail sentence at the Upington Correctional Services facility for other charges, including corruption.

Senokoatsane added that, during their appearance, Block, through his legal representative, informed the court that he will be applying for bail.

“The bail application was set for the date of 1 August 2023. The case was remanded to 10 August 2023 for further investigation,” he said.  


An elderly man sentenced to life imprisonment for raping step-granddaughter!


An elderly man has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Ga Rankuwa Regional Court for raping a step-granddaughter (8). Oupa Kgomo (67) was staying with the victim and her grandmother, who he was in a romantic relationship with in Klipgat.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson in North West, Henry Mamothame said: “The evidence led in court revealed that, Kgomo raped the complainant, whenever her grandmother went out of the house to run errands. The incidents occurred between January 2017 and December 2018.

“In December 2018, the complainant’s aunt noticed some unusual behaviour of the complainant, who was constantly crying and had ceased to play with her friends. Upon enquiring, the complainant told the aunt about her sexual ordeal with Kgomo. The matter was reported to the police and she was subsequently taken for a medical check, which confirmed that the child was sexually violated.”

Mamothame further said, Kgomo was subsequently arrested, but the court granted him R1000. He added that, Kgomo pleaded not guilty to the offence and in aggravation of the sentence, Adv Mummy Mosonodi urged the court not to deviate from the minimum prescribed sentence of life imprisonment.

Mosonodi argued that, Kgomo took advantage of a child whom he was supposed to protect as she trusted him. Magistrate Aggrey Sephoti agreed with the state and remarked that the courts have a responsibility to send a strong message to perpetrators of such offences, meant to violate women, children and the elderly.

Kgomo was also registered in the national register of sexual offenders and the court declared him unfit to possess a firearm.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Prosecutions in the North West, Dr Rachel Makhari together with the North West Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, lauded the prosecutor and Detective Sergeant Mmaletswai Mathiba from the South African Police Service (SAPS) and other role players for their collaboration in bringing the perpetrator to book.


A nabbed for copper cable theft!

Picture: A man nabbed with a copper cable/Supplied


A man has been arrested for being in possession of a 30-metre-long copper cable in the Coloured Section in Deben on Wednesday. It is alleged that a member of the public saw a man busy cutting the Telkom copper cable at around 00:15 and informed the police.

The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Capt Mosimaneotsile Letsapa said, on arrival at the scene, the suspect was allegedly found in possession of copper cables as well as plyers used in the commission of crime.

“The suspect was arrested and the copper cable and plyers used were confiscated. In an unrelated incident on the same day, a man (58) was also arrested for being in possession of suspected stolen property.

“A case of house breaking and theft was reported earlier and the police followed up on the information, where an ABC Grinder to the value of R2000, Belt sender Ryobi machine to the value of R800 and a Ryobi welding machine to the value of R4500 were found,” Letsapa said.

He further said the suspect was arrested after failing to provide an explanation to the police, as to where and how he got the items. Letsapa added that both suspects will appear in the Kathu Magistrate’s Court on charges of damage to essential infrastructure and for possession of suspected stolen property.

Meanwhile, The John Taolo Gaetsewe District Commissioner, Major General Johnny Besnaar applauded Deben police for their swift response when the community called. Besnaar also appreciated and commended the community for providing the tip-offs, which led to the apprehension and arrest of the suspects.

“We urge the community members to continue to be the eyes and ears of the police,” he said.



Police urge the public to exercise safety tips around fire during icy weather!  

Picture: Fire burning in cold weather/Google  


The icy conditions continue to be experienced across the country, where maximum temperatures remain at all-time low. Now, the Northern Cape police spokesperson, Lieutenant Col Sergio Kock said, due to the current extreme cold weather conditions in the country, they urge the public to adopt and implement safety tips around fire.

Kock said people tend to use various means and ways to keep warm, but in some instances, it is dangerous and fatal.

“The police in the Northern Cape’s plea to our communities is that, they should adhere to safety measures, especially those in rural areas. Please, never make fires inside your house or shack. You can fall asleep, while the “dombolo barrels” are still burning. Do not smoke in bed or leave candles and cigarette buds burning, especially at night.

“Never leave your kitchen appliances such as gas stoves unattended, whilst cooking because it only takes a few seconds for a fire to break out. If you need to leave the kitchen, make sure to either ask someone to watch the food for you or turn everything off altogether until you are back,” he said.

Kock further said, inspection on heating sources is also imperative. He added that, house fires may be triggered, if your home heating sources are not working properly or when you fall asleep while heaters are still on.

“Be extra careful when using electric blankets and store any flammable products correctly. Household cleaners and items such as hair spray or shaving cream may be very hazardous if exposed to a strong source of heat. So, always store these safely in a cool area away from any heaters.

“Maintain electrical wires and avoid illegal and unsafe connections. Also, do not overload plugs with extra heating electrical appliances. Damaged wires can be a detrimental fire hazard and need replacing as soon as possible. Be cautious that wires get hot when in use, so be sure to check your wire placement and avoid passing them under a carpet or anything that could potentially catch fire,” said Kock.

He urged people to be cautious with open flames and be extra careful around fireplaces. Kock said they advise people to always extinguish fires before they go to bed.

“If you have small children or pets, keep open flames out of their reach as much as possible. Keep a fire extinguisher or blanket around at all times because they will be your best defence in the event of a fire breaking out. Every family member should know how to use a fire extinguisher, so in case something in your home does catch fire, it can be put out as fast as possible.

“Fire blankets are also very useful for putting out small fires, but rather call the fire brigade when you see the fire is becoming larger, fiercer and life threatening. Let us keep warm and be safe during the winter season,” he said.


DA: “Burning of North West Social Development offices a sign of anarchy”

Picture: The North West Social Development offices up in flames/Supplied  


The Democratic Alliance (DA) said burning of North West Social Development offices is a sign of an anarchic and broken department. The fire ravaged the offices on Monday night and some documents at the Human Resources’ Labour Relations unit were allegedly destroyed.

The DA Caucus Leader in North West Provincial Legislature (NWPL), Freddy Sonakile said they have conducted an oversight visit to the North West Social Development offices in Mahikeng after a fire ravaged several offices on Monday night.

“Our oversight indicated that the Human Resources offices were targeted, in particular the Labour Relations unit. We believe this was deliberate, considering all that has been happening at the department. The department has been facing a serious leadership and governance crisis.

“While we appreciate that the police acted with speed, and will await the results of their investigations. There are serious questions that need to be answered such as where was the security stationed at the offices when the incident occurred? Were the CCTV cameras at the buildings properly installed and operating?” Sonakile said.

He further said they want to know if the department has electronic systems in place to store its files, considering that most of the files were burnt. Sonakile added that they believe this incident, which caused extensive damage, is not accidental and comes amidst a serious leadership and governance crisis engulfing the department.

“In May this year, North West Premier, Bushy Maape placed the then MEC of the Department, Boitumelo Moiloa on an unprecedented special leave and the Head of Department (HoD), Relebohile Mofokane requested a one-month leave. This was a result of the continued squabble between Moiloa and Mofokane, which impacted the department’s ability to fulfil its mandate.

“Since 2021, the department has been embroiled in a series of allegations including, qualifications of Mofokane being challenged, failure to pay NGOs on time, irregular R133 million security tender, suspensions, dismissals and upliftment of suspensions of senior managers, gangs storming into the departmental offices and HOD working without a signed employment contract,” he said.

Sonakile said this incident is an indication of how deep the criminality in that department runs. He said they have requested the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Social Development, Gavin Edwards to summon the intervention team deployed at the department to provide a report on the work they have done, as well as the impact of this incident on the operations of the department.

Meanwhile, the North West Social Development spokesperson, Petrus Siko said: “The fire broke out in one of the offices at around 9pm and spread to a nearby office. Security officers who were on duty tried to quell the fire and called the emergency fire and rescue department for assistance.

“The firefighters responded within a very short space of time after being called to the scene. No injuries were reported and the acting HoD, Obakeng Mongale who is leading an intervention team to stabilise the department, has called on employees whose workstations are at the west wing to remain calm and work remotely on Tuesday.”


North West MEC for Social Development, Boitumelo Moiloa has been fired!

Picture: The former North West MEC for Social Development, Boitumelo Moiloa


The North West acting Premier, Nono Maloyi has fired North West MEC for Social Development, Boitumelo Moiloa. Moiloa along with the Head of Department (HoD), Relebohile Mofokane were suspended by the North West Premier, Bushy Maape two months ago due to the squabble between over the ‘irregular’ awarding of R133 million security tender.

Two months ago, Moiloa suspended three employees. She said her department has established prima-facie information that led to the suspension of these employees. It is alleged that, Mofokane signed off R133 million security tender, even though the Provincial Internal Audit warned about some discrepancies in bid documents.

Maape said then, over the past months, he has been coordinating the implementation of directives on professionalisation of the public service, which includes amongst other things, a system of delegations between Executive Authorities (MECs) and Accounting Officers (HOD’s).

“Unfortunately, this has not been successful in the North West Department of Social Development leading to a near administrative paralysis, which risked finalisation of the Annual Performance Plan (APP), Departmental Budget for the 2023/24 financial year, and potentially the submission of the Annual Financial Statement (AFS) as well as the Annual Performance Information (API) for 2022/23 financial year.

“This discord has the potential if not managed to paralyse service delivery and harm the poor and vulnerable persons who are serviced by the department. I am compelled and required by the constitution as the person vested with the Executive Authority of the province to intervene on behalf of good governance and for the sake of the poor and the marginalised, whose livelihoods are dependent on the services offered by the department,” he said.

Maape appointed the North West MEC for Arts, Culture, Sport & Recreation, Kenetswe Mosenogi as acting MEC for Social Development, while Obakeng Mongale was acting Head of Department. He added that, they have constituted a team of experienced senior public servants led by the Office of the Premier to assist Mosenogi and Mongale during their acting, with a particular mandate being on managing the very important audit process, which resumes from 1 June 2023.

Now, Maloyi said: “I wish to take this opportunity to inform the people of the North West of my decision in terms of Section 132 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic to effect changes in the composition of the Provincial Executive Council by releasing Moiloa from her position as a Member of the Executive (MEC) responsible for Social Development, while Mofokane remain on leave. 

“Lazarus Mokgosi will take over as the new MEC for Social Development with effect from 12 July 2023. The acting HoD, Mongale will continue with his acting role until the end of July 2023. The intervention is making positive progress and nearing completion. The public will be informed in due course of the outcome of various areas of intervention in the department.”

He further thanked Moiloa for her contribution during her tenure as MEC. Maloyi also congratulated Mokgosi as the new MEC and wished him all of the best.


A body of a man found floating in a river in Pampierstad

Picture: A body of a man found floating in a river in Pampierstad/Generic


A body of a man has been discovered floating in a river in Pampierstad. The Northern Cape police spokesperson, Sergeant Timothy Sam said, the lifeless body was discovered by a fisherman and the police are investigating an inquest case.

“The preliminary investigation indicates that the deceased was found floating in a river by a fisherman on 28 June 2023. The police were informed and investigations of the circumstances that led to this unfortunate discovery are underway,” Sam said.


Cwaile calls on police to combat increasing crime in the North West

Picture: The Chairperson of North West Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Public Works, Roads, Community Safety and Transport Management, Mmoloki Cwaile/Facebook


High levels of crime continue to have a negative impact on the economy and livelihoods of many people in the North West. According to the statistics, the province has experienced an alarming increase of 4.8 % in the crime incidents between January and March 2023 when compared to January to March 2022 making up all forms of crime reported to hit 24 134.

The Chairperson of North West Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Public Works, Roads, Community Safety and Transport Management, Mmoloki Cwaile said amongst others, there is an increasing number of crime incidents of residential robberies affecting community members at their homes, where they should feel safer.

“The report shows an increase in the total number of domestic violence. The criminal cases are standing at 1 733. Cases related to domestic violence are about 1 339. Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBV&F) is happening at an unprecedented rate.

“The committee wishes to encourage men to desist from pursuing crimes against women and children. The North West province’s Capital City based Mmabatho Police Station, has recorded the highest number of sexual related crimes,” he said.

Cwaile further said there is also an increase of incidents regarding child neglect and ill-treatment. He added that they call for the villages to take care of their children and that neighbours, activists and civil society organisations should do more in combating crimes and complement the work of the police.

“The abuse of alcohol remains one other factor that exacerbates the violence incidents and cannot be left unchallenged. The full implementation of the National Drug Master plan needs to be taken to a logical conclusion. The abuse of alcohol and drugs must be counteracted and all role players must do their part. It is a societal problem and all of us must play a role.

“The North West Department of Community Safety and Transport Management reported that, a considerable number of cases resulted from the abuse of alcohol by both the victims and perpetrators and that the occurrence of those incidents happened at the alcohol selling premises like taverns,” said Cwaile.

He said it is obvious that the licences for liquor outlets should impose the responsibility on the part of the owners and traders to exercise, including provision of security for protection of users of their services. Cwaile said the committee directs that the hotspots be given more attention and more resources should be deployed to mitigate and terminate high risks identified.

“This also requires intelligence driven interventions and responses. In terms of districts, most crime incidents were in Bojanala Platinum with a total contribution of 41.6%, followed by Dr Kenneth Kaunda with 25.5%, Ngaka Modiri Molema with 22.2% and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati with 10.6%.

“We call on the police to respond swiftly and promptly to crime being reported. Also improved communication and feedback mechanisms are necessary when dealing with the victims. The police stations must become the first point of entry into available government services to serve and support the victims of crime,” said Cwaile.

He said they will engage the civilian secretariat in seeking the review of approaches and strategy of police geared at combating stock theft, farming community-based crimes and rural policing.
