Over 32 000 Grade 12 learners in winter camps in North West  

Picture: The Grade 12 learners sitting for the National Senior Certificate Final Examinations


Over 32 000 Grade 12 learners are currently in camp across the North West province. North West MEC for Education, Viola Motsumi said a total of 32 494 learners and 1979 teachers will be accommodated in 112 camps spread across the province.

Motsumi said the 112 camps will house both residential and day campers to assist learners in their problematic areas of learning such as Setswana Home Language and gateway subjects.

“Winter camps for Grade 12 learners commenced on 7 July 2023. We encourage learners to give their best throughout the study camps as the stakes are high for reaching the top 3 spot on year-end results. As camps officially open today, I wish to encourage all our Grade 12 learners to take these camps as a stepping stone toward their future.

“Our learners have invested 13 years of their schooling and it is time to yield positive outcomes out of it, such as the top 3 spot for the class of 2023. To my learners, it will take your discipline, your seriousness, attention, and dedication to make it. Our camps will be protected and have backup generators in times of load shedding,” she said.

Motsumi further said, therefore, she urges parents to release learners for this precious time to engage in camps. She added that, this is the start for the learners to chart a positive path for their future.

“Our esteemed teachers and subject advisors sacrificed so much of their time to make these camps a success and I am grateful for that. Winter camps are a mid-year revision program that looks into assisting learners to intensify positive year-end results,” said Motsumi.

The camps will run until 15 July 2023.


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